Central Park

While I might not have the Rocky Mountains in my backyard, I do have Central Park. Each time I visit, I’m always in awe of – and a little bit jealous of – the runners bouncing along the paths. So tonight I decided to be one – and to appreciate the (sometimes minimal) nature we have here in the city.

I wasn’t sure how this was going to pan out. Since the mega hike in Colorado on Sunday, I’ve had one aching quad muscle. That’s right – just one. My left leg. Who knows why. Perhaps that one’s grown longer than the other and I’m going to be walking in circles from now on.

After work, I cheated by jumping on the 6 train until 68th Street and walking westward to the park. From an entrance near 70th Street, I took off.

I flailed past tulips, pugs and lovers sneaking a snog. I huffed and puffed under bridges and alongside a baseball game. I also stopped for a photograph or two.

Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park

I love New York in the Spring – it’s brilliant to be able to appreciate things like Central Park after being in hiding over the long Winter. And I love seeing how people really do make the most of this massive space – not just runners, but families, dog walkers and commuters.

My nagging quad forced me to call defeat after about three miles. I might be missing Colorado’s treats, but the ones here in New York will more than do until I escape again.

Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park Central Park