Tropical Storm Andrea is visiting and she’s a pretty bad guest. So as I scuttled home tonight, narked by the downpour, I spotted one of the city’s small pop up libraries on Prince Street and nipped inside for some shelter.

Now, when I say small, we’re talking mini. Inside this library – which is one of a handful living on the city’s streets until September – there was just enough space for two people and two dozen donated books. It resembled a Dr Who prop, but the yellow plastic cone offered the shelter and amusement I was looking for. And if anyone got annoyed I was spending too much time inside, they could browse from the street – by peeking through eye holes.

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The Little Free Library project popped up this week and is in town until September – setting up 10 teeny tiny libraries designed by architects with a give-a-book, take-a-book policy. It is so cute.

This was a fun little stop, and now I’m keen to see how the other mini libraries differ (there’s a map of where they are here).

Back to the rain...

Back to the rain…