Park xylophoneA couple of weeks ago when I headed to Battery Park for Memorial Day, I spied a human-sized xylophone on the ground – nine massive bronze steps to jump on and make music. Today I headed back, envisioning a ‘Big’ keyboard scene for myself.

Of course it wasn’t that simple. But as I hopped across the keys, I spied two kids nearby – who I later learned were Sybil and Jasmine – and encouraged them to give me a hand (foot?). They were so cute, and together we jumped, skipped and laughed as we attempted to make some semblance of a tune.

Showing Jasmine and Sybil how it's done

Showing Jasmine and Sybil how it’s done

Nearly convinced them

Nearly convinced them

Theeere we go

Theeere we go

This was a hidden treat. As I walked off, I could hear Jasmine yelling: ‘Thanks for teaching us the magic music!’ and it suddenly seemed like one of the best activities I’ve done.

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