I’ve always thought of Zumba as a bit of a fad and not much more – definitely not something I’d ever try. But over the last couple of weeks as I’ve been writing about Zumba (in not a very flattering light, unfortunately), I realised it was something new I could give a go. And after a single session, …
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…had a PB&J

Us Brits may be superior at tea and socialised healthcare, but Americans have really nailed the sandwich. So while I was munching on jam sandwiches in front of Sesame Street 20+ years ago, my genius U.S. counterparts had thrown some peanut butter on theirs. There have been audible gasps when I’ve dared to admit I’ve never had a peanut butter …
Read More…went to a listening party

Hear hear, who knows what a listening party is? Well, tonight I found out. You sit in a bar, drink far too many cocktails and celebrate new music. In this case – Dylan’s. Okay, okay, so this ‘new thing’ feels like I’m cheating a little bit. But I’d never been to a listening party before. Dylan (under the guise of Swampboots) is …
Read More…read in the New York Public Library’s Reading Room

It’s been a busy weekend of moving, throwing a house cooling party, cleaning and catching colds. So today when I chanced it out of work nearly an hour early, I decided to use the time to recuperate. I headed to 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue for the New York City Public Library. Somehow I’d never …
Read More…went on a graffiti tour

While I’ve admired a lot of street art since being in New York, I’ve always seen tags and sprayed names as a sloppy mess on the city’s streets. But today, after taking a great graffiti tour, I can finally appreciate their origins and purpose. The walking tour was hosted by Grafftours and snaked through the East Village, Lower East …
Read More…moved to the East Village

While it’s been a great 18 months battling tourists to get to my front door, rejecting the same restaurant hecklers each evening and hearing bar crowds just hours before my 7 a.m. shift, today I moved out of Little Italy. Little Italy was my first home in the city, and it was actually a great neighbourhood to move …
Read More…went to a kinky film festival

Tonight I went Anthology Film Archives in the East Village to Cinekink, an annual film festival celebrating the sexually diverse and perverse. After looking at the week’s line up, I decided to head to ‘Sexing the Transman’, a documentary about the sex lives of transgender men that was written and directed by female-to-male transsexual porn …
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