
Archive / March 2015

March 30, 2015

…snuck into a Pizza Speakeasy

Ever since moving to NYC, I’ve loved tracking down its speakeasies – whether it’s one behind a secret door in a Japanese restaurant, through a phone booth in a hotdog store or down an alleyway for cocktails in teacups. They’re quirky and fun and our little secret. So when I found out that a pizza speakeasy, SRO, had snuck …

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March 25, 2015

…welcomed in spring at Macy’s Flower Show

I’m sorry to keep going on about it, but I’m fed up of winter. So thank you Macy’s for allowing me to pretend it’s spring. Last night I headed to Macy’s Flower Show, a mixture of art, botany, sweet scents and of course, window displays. It really does brighten up the dreary streets this time of year. When I got there, …

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March 24, 2015

…ate knish and dumplings with Urban Adventures

I’ve taken a fair few guided walks around the Lower East Side, so when I joined Urban Adventures‘ food tour last weekend, I was expecting more of the same. Ah, how wrong I was. The three-hour, fact-packed tour, Tenements, Tales, and Tastes, started at City Hall and took our small group north – past African burial grounds, through former slums, into Chinatown’s hidden dumpling shops and towards Little …

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March 22, 2015

Things I’ve loved about NYC this week

I’ve been a bit of a hermit this week (as I’m sure you realized from lack of posts…) but I must say the sprinkling of snow we had on Friday made the city a real beaut. Even better – it’s now completely gone! Let’s hope that’s the last of it. As to a few things I liked …

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March 21, 2015

…tasted Insomnia Cookies

Look at this awful weather! What you need is a pick-me-up. How about one delivered right to your door? I say you turn your attention to Insomnia Cookies. As the name suggests, they help you get your cookie fix (nearly) all hours of the day and night, but unlike some of you may be thinking, …

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March 18, 2015

…took a trip to Kingston, New York

If you live in New York City, it’s necessary to escape it every now and then. Earlier this month, I had a couple of days off work and decided to take myself on a trip. I picked Kingston because I’d read it was historic and cute, plus I found a beautiful apartment above a gallery on Airbnb, …

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March 12, 2015

…was wowed by ‘On the 20th Century’

Judge me all you want, but I love a good musical. Still, even though all the ones I’ve seen in New York have been great, they’ve all been a bit modern – leaving me craving some traditional, over-the-top, tap-dancing, jazz-handed fun. And this week, I found it. Meghan (you remember Meghan) had the sense to sign …

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March 10, 2015

…visited the United Nations HQ

Being British, I have two deeply ingrained traits: 1) I will never complain if someone puts me out. And 2) I am a firm believer in queues being properly maintained. But last week, as I lined up to enter the United Nations for a tour, there was a clash. An old woman who had been muttering …

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March 7, 2015

Things I’ve loved about NYC this week

So the snow may still be pretty, but can it go away now please? It’s gotten so bad that our ceiling fell through this week. The gutters and roof above us were so clogged with snow and ice that it had nowhere to go but straight through the ceiling and on to our kitchen floor. Luckily …

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March 6, 2015

…toured New York’s top movie sites

Give me a decent science museum or a must-see art exhibit and I’m all for it, but I usually draw the line at super touristy activities (well, if you ignore this). That all changed last weekend when I had the joy – yes, joy – of being a tourist in my own city. On Location Tours …

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March 4, 2015

…discovered Shuffleboard at Royal Palms

If you want to take on Royal Palms‘ shuffleboard courts in Gowanus, not only do you need to be surprisingly agile and focused – you also have to be very, very prompt. Ryan and I headed there on Sunday at 1pm – just an hour after it opened – and there was already an hour’s wait. …

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March 2, 2015

…danced on the Big Piano at FAO Schwarz

This weekend I tried to re-create one of the best moments in New York movie history: The scene from ‘Big’ unfolds in New York’s top toy store, FAO Schwarz, just south of Central Park. I headed there this weekend and charged past Playmobil parties, bubble demonstrations and huge stuffed animals with even huger prices (like a $1,500 stuffed giraffe – …

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March 1, 2015

Things I’ve loved about New York this week

Sorry, I’ve not been very good at this blogging lark this week — I’ve mostly been hibernating indoors, waiting for the sunshine. But on occasion, against my will, I’ve gone outside, and here are some of the things I’ve liked: 1 :: Snowy train journeys. I know we all complain about public transport, but last …

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