It’s been a while! I’ve wanted to get back to blogging for many months but, with long work weeks, it hasn’t been easy. But! I now have a very simple way to show you what I’ve been upto in New York (and beyond) for the past year. Between February 2015 and February 2016, I recorded a second of video …
Read MoreCategory / Personal Feat
…assure you I am alive

Do you remember when I used to blog? No, neither do I. I’ve actually received concerned messages over the past month asking if I’m okay. Others have suggested there’s a glitch with my website, seeing as they haven’t been receiving any email updates. But no – the website is just fine. And yes, so am I. A couple …
Read More…met lots of cousins at the Global Family Reunion

Hello cousin! That’s right. You may not know it, but you’re my cousin… maybe my 19th cousin twice removed but still, my cousin. And while it means you owe me 29 birthday presents and 28 Christmas presents, I’ll overlook it because, well, we’re family. I actually only just realized that we’re cousins recently thanks to the Global Family …
Read More…ran 5k during a rave

I may not be a fan of running and I may not be a fan of Electronic Dance Music, but it turns out I quite like it when they’re mixed together. Last weekend, Ryan and I donned our running shoes – honestly the first time I have worn mine in many, many months years – and drove 40 …
Read More…(barely) saw the cherry blossoms at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

Seeing the cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens is an NYC must, so last weekend, I headed there hoping that a few blossoms had defied the unseasonably cold weather to make an appearance. Thankfully, one or two had. Yes, they were few and far between – but ooh, they were lovely. Last weekend was the annual Sakura Matsuri …
Read More…visited the United Nations HQ

Being British, I have two deeply ingrained traits: 1) I will never complain if someone puts me out. And 2) I am a firm believer in queues being properly maintained. But last week, as I lined up to enter the United Nations for a tour, there was a clash. An old woman who had been muttering …
Read More…danced on the Big Piano at FAO Schwarz

This weekend I tried to re-create one of the best moments in New York movie history: The scene from ‘Big’ unfolds in New York’s top toy store, FAO Schwarz, just south of Central Park. I headed there this weekend and charged past Playmobil parties, bubble demonstrations and huge stuffed animals with even huger prices (like a $1,500 stuffed giraffe – …
Read More…couldn’t Escape the Room

Ryan and I like to think we’re pretty smart. But if this blog has taught me one thing, it’s that that’s not actually the case. Remember when we went to a Murder Mystery certain that we’d crack it within minutes – but then left early because we had no idea what was going on? Well, …
Read More…swam with manatees

After a two-day trek through the wilds of the south (with a stop at a questionable Waffle House), Ryan and I arrived in St Petersburg, Florida. We had driven there with a backseat of scuba diving equipment, but once we arrived, Ryan came across a slightly different option: swimming with manatees. We decided that we can scuba in many other …
Read MoreMy NYC 30 before 30

I’m back – and it’s a new year! I welcomed in 2015 by glugging a glass of bubbly beneath fireworks in Florida. I have lots of non-New York related photos (like the ones I posted to my Instagram over the past week) to share with you, but before then I thought I’d pop up and wish you a happy …
Read More…rode the Thunderbolt

All summer we’ve been complaining that it’s not hot enough. I even heard the dreaded ‘polar vortex’ mentioned a couple of months ago. But forget all that because the weather right now is perfect: crisp, sunny and dry. For one final summer adventure, Ryan, Charlotte and I decided to be big kids at the place big kids …
Read More…beautified Prospect Park

The fact that I don’t really do much good for humanity every week really bothers me. It’s so easy to fret over inconsequential things — but thankfully New York Cares makes it easy to start thinking about other people, too. I’ve done a few volunteer projects over the past year, but now I’ve decided to get really stuck in. …
Read More…went on an egg hunt

The last time I went on an Easter egg hunt was in Atlanta about five years ago, courtesy of my friend James: But I’ve discovered that leaving school and being a grown up means that no one organizes an egg hunt for you anymore. Thankfully, there’s always New York. Over the weekend, the Big Egg Hunt hid …
Read More…ate far too much at the Mac & Cheeze Takedown

I love America for many reasons (its traditions, its really good food trucks, its men), but near the top of the list is its obsession with macaroni and cheese. And this weekend, I went to the king of all Mac & Cheese events – the Mac & Cheeze Takedown. The idea is simple: Home cooks apply for …
Read More…went snowboarding at Hunter Mountain

I woke up this morning aching and bruised… and it was well-earned. Yesterday, a Sochi-inspired Ryan and I headed to Hunter Mountain, a small ski-resort town about two hours north of New York City. We had nabbed a Groupon deal, which included equipment, ski passes and a bus trip organized by Sourced Adventures. The only problem was …
Read More…laughed my way through a murder mystery

Remember a couple of months ago when I went to a terrible, terrible murder mystery? The event, which was held in Midtown, was the only thing I walked out of all year – and whenever anyone asked, I warned them never, ever to go. Auntie Susie didn’t like that. My blog’s number #1 fan had …
Read More…was on

Head on over to and you’ll see my mug! Completing a new activity every day for a year was no easy feat, so I’m chuffed that featured the project on its website today. Hopefully visitors and residents alike can take a tip or two from what I learned throughout the year. You can …
Read More…took a vegetarian cooking class

Every month, I spend at least half of my paycheck on Seamless. So at the start of the year, I made a resolution to cook more. And of course it hasn’t happened. To give us some inspiration, I booked Ryan and I into a Vegetarian Couple’s Cooking class at the Brooklyn Kitchen. If you remember, …
Read More…went scuba diving

A few months ago, Ryan and I spotted a Gilt City deal for an introductory scuba diving class. A little bit random perhaps… but why not? After months of canceled classes and wrangling with the company, we finally managed to use the deal tonight. And while there was even more waiting once we got there, …
Read More…fronted a rock band
When I was 11, my sister Charlotte, our friend Lara and I started a pretty great band. While it didn’t have a name, it did have an interesting sound: Charlotte on the drums, me on the keys and Lara on the violin. We penned a surprisingly dark song for our tender years and set our …
Read More…got creative with For the Makers

For Christmas, Ryan bought me a crafts subscription that has changed my life. At first, when I opened the little cardboard box and saw it was filled with threads and beads, I thought it looked cute – but man, did I underestimate it. And now that I’ve cracked the box open properly, I’m addicted. He …
Read More…review the best and worst of NYC

*** This post was first shared in January 2014 after I finished a year of doing a new activity in New York every day. This blog is largely defunct so this post is a great place to start if you’re visiting New York and looking for things to do! For more on this project, visit …
Read More…said ‘cheers!’ to a year of daily new experiences

Guys, I’ve done it! Since January 2013, I have done a new thing every single day here in New York City (okay, I also went on a fair few trips out of New York – but I did new things there too!). The thought has made me a bit emotional to be honest. Lots of …
Read More…watched the ball rise

Tonight after work I scuttled up to Bryant Park after spotting that its regular juggling class was still going ahead, despite looming New Year celebrations. But when I got there – there wasn’t a bean bag in sight. Gaah. Wandering around the park at a loss for what to do, I spied a crowd gathering …
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