Today has been a tough one.
The Boston bombings are horrifying. They’ve shaken me like I’ve not been shaken while working on a story before. As I watched the tragedy unfold, I grew fearful for my friends running the marathon. And at work, I had the job of scrolling through graphic image after graphic image in our picture system, swiftly realising the extent of the chaos and how scores of lives are now forever changed.
Of course, my feelings pale in significance to those of the victims, their families, witnesses and the emergency responders. So tonight, I thought it was appropriate to spare them some thoughts.
I forewent my pre-planned event and, with Meghan in tow, paid respects to Boston by visiting the nearest thing to it here in New York: Professor Thom’s, a popular Red Sox-themed bar on 2nd Avenue. I’ve not been to a sports bar like this in New York, and it goes without saying that this is a heartbreaking reason to spark my first visit.

But with sports flags hanging around us – and the latest death counts scrolling across the TV news ticker – we raised a glass of Sam Adams to Boston and its people, willing them to get through these horrific next few days and weeks.

I’m so sorry Boston. I’m thinking of you!
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