Happy Easter/Passover! Let’s look at some of the things I’ve liked about this week (pictured above)…
1 :: My favorite view from the Promenade during a springtime walk with Georgia.
2 :: Crocuses in the garden. A week ago, there was snow on the ground so this is pretty miraculous. Not long until we’ll be out grilling (… is what I’m telling myself).
3 :: My terrifying-looking office reflecting old buildings. Who knows why, but I get such a feeling of satisfaction spotting things like this.
4 :: A quick trip to Madison, New Jersey to pick up bridesmaid dresses for my sister’s wedding. Madison is so quaint and just an hour from the city; it’s a lovely spot for a daytrip.
5 :: A taikoza drumming show at Columbia University. So mesmerizing.
6 :: Pizza from Grimaldi’s on 6th Avenue. Delicious.
7 :: A night out at the Gansevoort. I honestly haven’t been to a club in about three years but I was more than happy to celebrate Jenn’s bachelorette party in the Meatpacking District last weekend. It was so fun to do something different… and in a swankier part of town than I usually spend my Saturday nights!
8 :: Spotting gorgeous buildings in Brooklyn Heights. If you have an hour or two, walk the fruit streets and admire, admire, admire.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and hope the weather’s as lovely where you are as it is here!

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