Another busy week (hence the lack of posts… I’m rubbish, I know) and another busy one ahead of me, but I’m happy to say that it’s finally feeling like summer! As evidenced by an outdoor wedding, iced coffees and my first rooftop bar of the season…

1 :: Outdoor meals at Pazzi Pasta. I know, I know, I go on about this place all the time. But long ago, I made the mistake of following its Instagram and so get daily reminders of its deliciousness. I craved their saffron pasta all week so thankfully Ryan joined me for a date there last weekend. Definitely as good as I remembered.
2 :: Rooftop weddings in SoHo. Ryan was best man as our friends Jim and Lizzie got married on a rooftop in SoHo this weekend. The ceremony was so lovely and simple, and definitely something I’d only ever witness in New York. Congrats to them!
3 :: …and rooftop drinks in Williamsburg. Finally, a week that’s warm enough to get outside! I headed to The Ides, which is the rooftop bar at The Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg — and it was a great way to start the season. Watching the sun set over the city was a treat.
4 :: Spying a Picasso in Greenwich Village. I blogged about this lady two years ago and haven’t popped back to say hello since. But she’s still a beauty — and yet another great example of the city’s outdoor art.

5 :: Iced chai lattes from Aroma. Dear Aroma, I love your sweet, milkshake-esque chai lattes so, so much — they’re the best in the city. But good god, please make them cost less than $6. Many thanks, Lydia

6 :: A glimpse at the Creative Little Garden. I tried to tick this East Village garden off my bucket list this week, but it must’ve closed early because the gate was locked. It was sad but it also made me even more excited to head back here with a book sometime this summer.
7 :: Tom Fruin’s latest water tower. I pass this stained-glass water tower so often as I travel along the BQE from my neighborhood in Brooklyn and I finally managed to get a snap. I love the quirky addition it makes to the skyline.

8 :: And… sitting in the garden!!! Thank you New York — finally, it’s warm enough to sit and sun ourselves, and every evening now seems so much longer. It’s strange to think that the Statue of Liberty and the madness of the Financial District are just a couple of miles from our little corner of quiet.
Have a lovely week everyone! (And a belated Happy Mother’s Day to all you U.S. mums!)
Oh, and look at this dumbass, trying to figure out if something’s on her head.
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