Cronuts and macaroons may now rule the treats here in New York, but once upon a time, the cupcake was king. Leading the way was Magnolia Bakery, which first started whipping up cupcakes from leftover batter at its Bleecker Street store in the 1990s, sparking the mania. Two decades on, even though the cupcake craze may be crumbling, Magnolia seems to be …
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…found a Picasso in Greenwich Village

So far this year, I’ve managed to track down some impressive works of hidden art – art which thousands of people no doubt walk past every day without knowing they’re so close. Today I found another piece I’d never realised was there before – although this one was a little easier to spot. After work, …
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Last night, Jeff, Ryan and I went to Le Poisson Rouge in Greenwich Village where Macaulay Culkin – child-star-turned-heroin-addict-turned-artist – was DJing. The place was decorated like a birthday party: streamers, balloons, inflatable birthday cakes. The idea was seemingly plucked from the air; Culkin’s (free!) event is monthly and each time it’s themed differently. Last …
Read More…was a barista

Today I headed back to one of my old favourite haunts for coffee. But rather than doing the drinking, I was doing the making. This was something different for me, but I did really enjoy it. A lot of times, I am making my own coffee at home using my new coffee machine. I have …
Read More…went to a listening party

Hear hear, who knows what a listening party is? Well, tonight I found out. You sit in a bar, drink far too many cocktails and celebrate new music. In this case – Dylan’s. Okay, okay, so this ‘new thing’ feels like I’m cheating a little bit. But I’d never been to a listening party before. Dylan (under the guise of Swampboots) is …
Read More…devised a Subway art tour

Whenever I’m using the subway, I’m in a rush. My head is always down – either to gawk at my phone or to avoid eye contact with the creeper in the corner. But when I looked up for a brief moment at 23rd Street last week, I realised that there were hats painted on the …
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