‘New York hasn’t had a summer this year,’ seems to be a pretty common refrain right now. And I would agree for the most part – I swear previous years have been far, far sweatier. But I’ve still been trying to make the most of the outdoors before we’ll be pulling on our snowboots and …
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April 8, 2014
…brunched at Korzo

Waking up when it’s still dark in the week means that I’m usually stirring far before a socially acceptable time at the weekends too. And as soon as I do, what am I thinking about? You got it. Brunch. Unfortunately, not too many places are open that early for brunch, but thankfully Korzo, which is …
Read MoreApril 1, 2014
…brunched at Smile

I’ve completed a lot of new activities over the past 15 months, but one thing I’ve done without fail every single weekend is brunch. It’s the best meal of the week and the perfect excuse to quaff alcohol before midday. So why don’t I start blogging about my favorites, eh? Oh, I will – but today I’m sharing …
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