Happy Halloween! The UK doesn’t do Halloween the same way Americans do – I think I dressed in a black t-shirt and bobbed for apples once as a child – so every year I’m still amazed by just how much people over here get into it. Right now, for example, my whole street in Brooklyn is …
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…cheered for the Tartan Day Parade

I went to university in St Andrews, Scotland – a cobble-stoned village by the sea – and I remember it so fondly. It gave me some of my best friends, happiest memories and brilliant opportunities (and some semi useful knowledge). So when my Scottish pal Louise said that a Tartan Parade was coming to toun, I jumped …
Read More…visited the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons

Thanksgiving may be America’s most beloved tradition, but following close behind is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which bobs its way through the city each year before everyone settles down to turkey and sprouts. I’ll be in the office for Thanksgiving but I didn’t want to miss out entirely – so tonight I headed to …
Read More…marched in the Halloween parade

In the U.K., Halloween passes without so much as a ‘boo’. I’ve been to a couple of parties and donned a fair few homemade costumes over the years, but nothing on the same scale as they do over here in the U.S. As I walked home from work, I dodged swarms of mini monsters and …
Read More…had Pride in NYC

Being in the U.S. this week to see the historic moment that DOMA was thrown out by the Supreme Court (opening the door for same-sex couples to receive equal benefits as straight married couples) was so exciting. And this weekend, there has been a chance to celebrate it: Pride. During the Pride March last year, my …
Read More…watched the Chinese New Year Parade

Events celebrating Chinese New Year have been held across New York for a week now (including my dim sum making last Sunday), but today they reached a dramatic, colourful conclusion with the parade. The event was very nearly right on my doorstep. Furry dragons, sequined snakes and lantern-adorned floats left Chinatown, bobbed along Mott Street (parallel to …
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