Essex Street Market, Chelsea Market, Smorgasburg — New York knows how to do food markets. So this weekend, when I headed to Washington D.C. for my friend Kate’s bridal shower (you remember Kate!), I was happy to see how the city’s markets compared. And, ooh, I was impressed. She and her husband-to-be, Darius, took me to Union …
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…took a DIY food tour of Pike Place Market
I had planned on taking a food tour of the historic Pike Place Market when I arrived in Seattle today, but thanks to fog clogging the coastline this morning, my flight was delayed and I missed it. But not to be defeated (or left hungry), I did a cheeky DIY tour – based on reports …
Read More…sampled the local beer on Orcas Island
After two days of hikes, ferries and driving up mountains here in Washington, it was time for some refreshments. This afternoon, my friend Jane and I stopped at Island Hoppin, a six-month-old microbrewery on the island of Orcas (an appropriate name as Orca whales swarm its waters). The owner, an excitable man named Nate, pulled …
Read More…learned to play the cello
I know, I know, pretty impressive. My friend Jane (who I’m staying with on an island off Washington state) gave me a cello lesson this morning, and after initially struggling to balance the bow in my grip, I eventually managed to play a scale. You can’t see it on the footage, but minutes later I …
Read More…visited my 31st state

Today I flew to Washington (state, that is) for the first time. I know it’s not in keeping with my ‘new thing in New York’ premise, but I’m counting it anyway. And it takes my tally of states up to 31:
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