Tonight I went to Bowery Electric for the release show of Dylan’s second album, ‘Lessons in Hunger’. And what a cracking show it was.
Ever since he recorded the EP in Minnesota in October, I’ve watched him slog through lists of logistics. But tonight, nearly two years after he started working on the first songs, he showed why it was all worth it.
Along with his electric guitarist Brian, drummer Dave, keyboardist Corey and bassist Paul, Dylan put on a great performance. They were so clean and Dylan looked like he was enjoying every moment – bolstered by friends and fellow musicians who have enjoyed and supported his music over the months.
I have heard these songs millions of times, but each time they surprise me with their nuances. Dylan’s lyrics are poetry, and his band mates are top-notch.
Best of all is how varied the EP is: There are rockabilly twangs, gentle violins, catchy melodies and eerie harmonies. If I had to choose a song to recommend, I would say go for Milo for its catchiness and Anna Come Home for its vulnerability. (Yes, I appreciate that’s two.)

Although it’s not on this album, Crow’s Blues will also be a favourite if, like me, you enjoy a good bass line.
And for a more up-tempo one, here’s Anna’s Boy:
When we got to the last song of the set, I struggled to keep my emotions in check. I am so chuffed for Dylan. Tonight was the accumulation of months of playing, planning, fretting and doing what he loves, and his EP is a testament to his hard work and his talent, as well as the friendships and collaborations he’s garnered along the way.
Congratulations, Dylan!
You can get the Swampboots ‘Lessons in Hunger’ EP from iTunes here, or ‘like’ his Facebook here.

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