What better to line my stomach for a Friday night out than a batch (or two) of Girl Scout cookies. That’s a good way to teach these girls about responsibility.
After work I headed to Chinatown, where Troop 3197 were selling cookies at the True Light Lutheran Church. They were such a brilliant bunch of girls – so polite and helpful – and they were really enthusiastic about selling those cookies.
As long as it doesn’t get horrifyingly competitive, it’s a fun tradition that takes place every Spring. And the cookies are so good that I will happily take part each year.
I’ve eaten the biscuits before, so I knew that the best ones to go for were the samoas (chewy and crunchy and coconutty) and the thin mints. I took a box of each (at $4), and then we posed for some pictures.
Thanks ladies! Time for dinner.
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