These days you’ll find me binge watching Gilmore Girls Say Yes To The Dress CNN, but about ten years ago, it was all about Sex and the City. Yes, I know a good 70 per cent of the dialogue off by heart. A couple of years ago, some of my gal pals and I won a Sex …
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July 13, 2014
Lydia’s List :: Tips for apartment hunting in New York

I love peeking inside other people’s homes, so I was kind of looking forward to apartment hunting this summer. But I soon realized that it can quickly become frustrating thanks to eye-watering broker fees, unanswered emails and learning the real meaning of words like ‘cosy’. It definitely was a few months of chaos trying to …
Read MoreOctober 13, 2013
…snooped around a stranger’s home with Open House NY

Even though moving apartments is always a pain, I love it because you get to snoop around other people’s houses. So when I learned there was a city-wide event this weekend where you could do exactly that without having to feign interest in moving in, I was very keen. Open House New York has been …
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