These days you’ll find me binge watching Gilmore Girls Say Yes To The Dress CNN, but about ten years ago, it was all about Sex and the City. Yes, I know a good 70 per cent of the dialogue off by heart.
A couple of years ago, some of my gal pals and I won a Sex and the City trivia night (which I actually can’t take any credit for), and the prize was a trip to take an On Location Tour about the show. The bus was decked with TV screens playing episodes and crammed full of ladies who squealed whenever they recognized a location from the show. One of the stops was Magnolia Bakery, but little fuss was made about the fact it was just around the corner from where Carrie Bradshaw lives (the residents petitioned for the tour buses to keep away about five years ago).
So when Charlotte was over and wanted to go to the bakery (more about that in another blog post), we decided to nip back and say a discreet hello to Carrie.
Her apartment/famous stoop can be found at 66 Perry Street.

Sadly, the neighbor’s house is currently undergoing construction, which got in the way of our photos a bit. And it looked a little smaller than I expected – don’t the stairs look so much longer in the show?

It was a shame that we couldn’t get a proper view of the place, but it’s on a TV fan’s must-see list. Plus it’s always great to wander these lovely West Village streets – it’s a rustic, characterful part of New York.

I couldn’t help but wonder, why don’t I come to this part of the city more often?

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