It’s not too early to start Christmas shopping, is it? If you fancy hitting the stores at the Times Warner Center at Columbus Circle, you’ll be in for an extra festive treat: Holiday Under the Stars. Suspended in the atrium of the shopping centre are 14 LED stars of varying sizes. From 5pm each night, …
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June 20, 2013
…auditioned for The Bachelorette

Guys, I’m single and I’m in New York (which I’m realising is a pretty horrifying place to date). There’s only one thing for it. I need to go on The Bachelorette. Okay, this isn’t very true and I’ve never actually watched an episode. But there were open auditions at ABC’s studios in Midtown tonight, so …
Read MoreMay 14, 2013
…visited Bluth’s Banana Stand

A few weeks ago, I was looking for a show on Netflix that I could put on in the background as I got ready, or if I just needed a brief distraction. Arrested Development popped up as a suggestion, so I went for it – unaware that a few weeks on I’d be a serious addict. I …
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