Some parts of this country remain completely alien to me. The way you write the date? Weird. American supermarkets? I’ll never understand them. That plastic neon yellow stuff you put on burgers and claim is ‘cheese’? No thanks. So every now and then it’s nice to get a little taste of home. Enter… the barn dance. …
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July 14, 2014
…donated books to the Little Free Library

As I’ve been packing up my East Village apartment ahead of moving, I’ve been thinking about where I can donate the alarming collection of stuff I never use. I plan to take most of it to the Housing Works in SoHo, but I thought I’d share my books with the people of New York City. There was only one option: New York’s Little …
Read MoreApril 2, 2014
…went on an egg hunt

The last time I went on an Easter egg hunt was in Atlanta about five years ago, courtesy of my friend James: But I’ve discovered that leaving school and being a grown up means that no one organizes an egg hunt for you anymore. Thankfully, there’s always New York. Over the weekend, the Big Egg Hunt hid …
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