Every year I’m in New York, I swear it gets colder. This morning, it snowed for the third time this week and it’s brutal. So will you allow me to reminisce about a warmer time? Last week, Ryan and I jumped in the car and headed south. On New Year’s Eve, our friends Gina and …
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…walked on The Pantiles

A storm hit southern England last night – leaving my family’s home without power or heat (just in time for Christmas) and trees strewn across roads and train tracks. It meant that our plan to play tourists for the day in London was scuppered – no trains were heading north. So instead, we jumped in …
Read More…toured Brighton’s Royal Pavilion

I’ve hopped across the Atlantic for the week – my first time back in the UK for Christmas in three years. As well as gluttony beyond belief, this longer trip also allows me to visit some of my favorite spots outside my hometown – and to be a tour guide for Ryan, who’s visiting too. …
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I’ve loved some of New York’s historical offerings this year, from the Morgan Library to the Frick Collection. But while I’ve tried not to be a history snob, I also know they’re relatively young compared to what’s here in the U.K., so today I got a fix of something a little older – a 1,000-year-old …
Read More…went to senior prom

While I enjoyed the benefits of a British education – itchy kilts, carb-crammed dinners, netball matches in the icy rain – there’s one thing I missed out on by not going to high school over here: Senior prom. We had parties, sure, but nothing on the same scale as they do in the U.S. Tonight Ryan …
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