Remember when I saw that bizarre room filled with nothing but dirt a few months ago? Well, I recently discovered there was another permanent art installation right by my office by the same people, artist Walter De Maria and the Dia Art Foundation. So I thought I’d pop by. At lunch time, I danced my …
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…found a Picasso in Greenwich Village

So far this year, I’ve managed to track down some impressive works of hidden art – art which thousands of people no doubt walk past every day without knowing they’re so close. Today I found another piece I’d never realised was there before – although this one was a little easier to spot. After work, …
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The rain managed to stay away for most of the day, so this afternoon I took advantage and headed to Prince Street and West Broadway to serenade Rachel – on a piano in the street. Eighty-eight pianos (referring to the number of keys) have been dropped in public places across the city by Sing For Hope …
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I’ve walked past Taka Taka on West Broadway many times and I’ve always turned my nose up at its description: Mexican Sushi and Japanese Tacos. But tonight, in my bid for a new cuisine, Dylan and I went along to see if it was as repulsive at it sounded. And you know what? It was …
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