Another rainy day. Another cancelled event. But thankfully SoHo is brimming full of places to shelter from the drizzle.
Today I nipped to the Drawing Center just in time to catch its Giosetta Fioroni exhibit before its close. Even though I walk past the gallery most lunchtimes, the glass-fronted space blends in a little too neatly, so I’d not actually noticed it before. But today I found it thanks to Time Out – and what a find indeed.

This is a gorgeous gallery – light, open – and they really used the two rooms to showcase Fioroni’s wide-selection of drawings.
The first room displayed large pop arty images of Italian actresses caught mid-stare that immediately dated her work to the 1960s. The large faces with their cartoonish elegance and half-drawn lines looked like Twiggy or Edie on unfinished film. The work’s scrappiness put it at odds with that of her American contemporaries, veering away from the mass-produced feel of their works.

While some pieces would have looked at home next to a Warhol, others were even more fluid and looked like Banksys.

The second, skinnier room was lined with delicate drawings of spots in Venice. These were quieter, cooler and much more intricate – saying a lot by choosing to say very little.

I didn’t know about the Drawing Center before tonight, and I knew even less about Fioroni. But her work was somehow both fresh and familiar.
The perfect place for a rainy day wander – and a rainy day wonder: Why haven’t I done a life drawing class yet?
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