At the zombie parade on Sunday, I bumped into my friend Darla, who suggested I go to something even more bizarre this week: An air guitar competition. Yes. This actually exists. So tonight Jeff and I headed to St. Vitus, a dingy, divey metal bar on the northern tip of Greenpoint, to meet Darla for …
Read MoreArchive / June 2013
…was in a music video (part 2)

A bonus blog today… Remember when I was in a music video? Well, it’s finally out! The lovely Lindsay Ellyn has released the video of ‘Somebody Love Those Girls’ and it’s gorgeous. The song, which is about women desperate to be loved, is heart-wrenching but beautiful – and watching the video brought back memories of a great …
Read More…cycled to work on a Citi Bike

Every morning I have a 23 minute walk to work. Okay so I know that’s quite a luxury but seeing as I start at 7am, I’m happy to do anything that’ll shear off 10 minutes. Well, finally, it’s here! The Citi Bike. The clunky blue bikes have been up and running (rolling?) for a week now, …
Read More…felt inspired by the Drawing Center

Another rainy day. Another cancelled event. But thankfully SoHo is brimming full of places to shelter from the drizzle. Today I nipped to the Drawing Center just in time to catch its Giosetta Fioroni exhibit before its close. Even though I walk past the gallery most lunchtimes, the glass-fronted space blends in a little too neatly, so I’d …
Read More…dodged zombies in Williamsburg

Instead of the bespectacled, bearded arty types that usually swarm the streets of Williamsburg, this afternoon there was a different kind of clone: Scores of bleeding, mangled zombies taking part in the Annual Zombie Crawl. Haha, I love New York. After getting help from make-up artists at the Knitting Factory, the zombies took to the streets with …
Read More…made a mug

After getting to bed after sunrise this morning, it was time for a quieter evening. I headed to La Mano Pottery in Chelsea where I kept my eyes open long enough to make a wonky, bumpy mug. And I couldn’t be prouder. I took part in the Introduction to Hand Building class and, perhaps because of …
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