Most people I’ve met here moan that they don’t have a coffee IV hooked up at all times. And I get it – waking up at 5.45am every day and then staying up late to make the most of the city can take its toll. Thankfully, once a year, the city invites New Yorkers to …
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…was dazzled by Kinky Boots

In a small corner of Northampton in the 1990s, there was a generations-old men’s shoe factory struggling to stay on its feet. One day, with its closing imminent, owner Steve Pateman received a phone call from a transgender shop owner he’d never met before. ‘You should be manufacturing women’s shoes built for men,’ Sue Sheppard …
Read More…took a walking tour in the LES

This weekend, I got a treat – Heather arrived in New York City! Heather and I have known each other since we were six – and I think we’re still pretty much the same today: an unchanged sense of humor, an unparalleled ability to chat rubbish to anyone who’ll listen and penchant for kiss chase. Today …
Read More…checked out the Museum of the City of New York

Did you know that ‘Manhattan’ comes from the native American term, ‘Manna-hata’? That The Bronx was initially called ‘Bronck’s Land’ after a wealthy emigrant, Jonas Bronck, who acquired it from tribes? And that ‘Brooklyn’ was first called Breuckelen, named after the town in the Netherlands by Dutch settlers? Well, I didn’t – until I went to the …
Read More…fronted a rock band
When I was 11, my sister Charlotte, our friend Lara and I started a pretty great band. While it didn’t have a name, it did have an interesting sound: Charlotte on the drums, me on the keys and Lara on the violin. We penned a surprisingly dark song for our tender years and set our …
Read More…ate a Korean feast
Ryan and I love a good feast, so for his birthday treat, we decided to try out Hangawi in Midtown. As well as serving one of his favorite cuisines – Korean – Hangawi is also entirely vegetarian, so it seemed perfect for us. I’ve not actually been to a Korean restaurant since living in New York. …
Read More…watched a play at BAM

Before I did a new activity every day last year, the one thing I always made sure to appreciate was the theater. So now that I’ve got a bit of respite from playing the tourist, I thought it was time to rekindle my love. Meghan pointed out that there were cheap tickets for King Lear at …
Read More…tracked down homemade mince pies

As a Brit in New York, Christmas definitely lacks a few of my favorite traditions. Where are the paper chains? The cauldrons of spicy mulled wine? But those, I can manage. However, there’s one thing no drunken office party or snack by the fire should be without: a homemade mince pie. It’s rare that an …
Read More…shopped at Union Square’s Holiday Market

Are you tired of reading about me doing Christmas things? Because, while I never thought the day would come, I’m pretty tired of writing about them. So I promise this will be my last one. (For a couple of days.) Tonight I headed to Union Square’s Holiday Market well aware that I’ve overdosed on festive cheer recently …
Read More…visited the Morgan Library

All year I’ve struggled with museum opening times. There are hundreds of museums and galleries across the city, but most close by 5 or 6pm, shutting us workers out. Thankfully I’ve begun to realize that they don’t ignore us entirely, because a handful throw open their doors late one night a week – and entry …
Read More…ate Japanese crepes

One of my favorite snack stops all year has been a Japanese dessert store, Minamoto Kitchoan. So when Rachel, who used to live in Japan, told me about a new Japanese pancake place on Spring Street, I was salivating at the thought. Like Minamoto, the presentation at Eight Turn Crepe is immaculate. In the window …
Read More…climbed to the top of the world’s largest cathedral

When I entered the Cathedral Church of St John the Divine on West 112th Street this afternoon, I immediately welled up. The inside of this grand building, which claims to be the world’s largest cathedral, is breathtakingly beautiful. As soon as I walked through its two-tonne doors, I knew it was going to be one of …
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