I’d long seen pictures of this giant metal globe up in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens but when I finally visited, I could not believe how huge it is. It’s called the Unisphere and it’s an incredible remnant of the 1964-65 World’s Fair. The stainless steel structure was designed by top landscape architect Gilmore D. Clarke …
Read MoreTag / Park
…ran 5k during a rave

I may not be a fan of running and I may not be a fan of Electronic Dance Music, but it turns out I quite like it when they’re mixed together. Last weekend, Ryan and I donned our running shoes – honestly the first time I have worn mine in many, many months years – and drove 40 …
Read More…took part in a lightsaber battle

Whatever you’re into, you can guarantee that New York is teeming with other people with the same interest. So if you fancy dressing as a Star Wars character, activating your lightsaber and battling hundreds of foe in Washington Square Park, you can be sure it’ll happen. Welcome to my Saturday night. I’m not a Star Wars geek, but I am …
Read More…watched Shakespeare in Carroll Park

Outdoor theater is one of my favorite things about New York in the summer. World-class acting in one of the city’s gorgeous green spaces… for free?! Why, yes please. Last week I was leaving the subway at Carroll Street when I heard some hollers nearby and realized that Carroll Park, which is usually home to lots of …
Read More…beautified Prospect Park

The fact that I don’t really do much good for humanity every week really bothers me. It’s so easy to fret over inconsequential things — but thankfully New York Cares makes it easy to start thinking about other people, too. I’ve done a few volunteer projects over the past year, but now I’ve decided to get really stuck in. …
Read More…fell in love with Italian ice

Ice cream is hands down my favorite food group. I’d opt for a pot of mint chocolate chip over a real meal any day. And since being in the U.S., I’ve discovered a number of ways to eat it that don’t involve vats of cream – from fruity frozen yogurts to shaved ice or snow cones. …
Read More…got lost in the clouds at Central Park

It’s nearly April and winter’s still lurking. Just as I thought I’d be able to pack my winter coat away last week, it began snowing again. But last night, I wandered up to Central Park and realized they’re getting worse weather than the rest of us – because one section of the park is completely beneath clouds. This cute …
Read More…started off the New Year with a bang at Prospect Park

New Year’s Eve can be rubbish can’t it? The first year I got here, I paid $100 to get into a creepy club with sticky floors, lecherous men and no way of getting to the bar. I vowed never to do it again. This year I also had to factor in a 7 a.m. shift …
Read More…visited Central Park’s castle

A couple of weeks ago, I learned there’s a castle right in the middle of Central Park. Today was crisp and sunny – and seemed to be the perfect day for a visit. And when I got up there this morning, there was an added treat as the leaves are just changing, turning the park orange and red. Belvedere …
Read More…visited Socrates Sculpture Park

I think I’ve found my favourite park in New York: Socrates Sculpture Park. As well as giving plenty of green space, the park in Astoria, Queens exhibits sculptures and multimedia installations. Nearly 30 years ago, a sculptor wanted to build the park on what was then a former landfill, and a group of artists and local youngsters helped him. It was …
Read More…watched the sun set from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade

It’s getting darker earlier, and soon enough it’ll be pitch black when I leave work. Today I checked sunset time – 6.51pm – and realized I’d better make the most of dusk while it still exists. And what better way than with the city skyline? After work I jumped on the F train to Jay Street …
Read More…visited the waterfall at Greenacre Park

I wore tights for the first time this week and switched to hot coffees. Autumn appears to be winning. This means I need to cram in as many outdoor new experiences, activities and visits as I can – sharpish. So tonight I took advantage of New York’s great outdoors – by visiting a city center waterfall. After work I …
Read More…chilled out at the Elevated Acre

I’ve always loved how New Yorkers appreciate their parks – but it does mean they’re crammed full. Tonight, I visited a park that’s a little more secret and a lot less crowded: The Elevated Acre. After work, I wandered downtown to 55 Water Street, an office block right at the tip of Manhattan in the Financial District. There, you …
Read More…played musical chairs in Bryant Park

I’ve played tag on Wall Street and taken part in a massive pillow fight at Washington Square Park, and today I headed to Bryant Park for another of New York’s bizarre free activities: Musical chairs on a very, very large scale. A team of meticulous organizers had placed 20 circles of chairs with around 25 …
Read More…met a marionette

If you don’t know the blog ‘Humans of New York’, which captures beautiful images of the city’s colourful characters, you need to check it out here. A few days ago on the site, I spied this teeny tiny character: Today I was wandering downtown and took a walk through Washington Square Park, and who did I spot, but …
Read More…watched a pogo stick competition (and witnessed a proposal)

When I went to the air guitar competition a couple of months ago, most of the intrigue was learning that it was an actual thing. And today as I went to the annual world championship of extreme pogo, I had exactly the same feeling. I’m sure I wasn’t alone in learning that there are actual …
Read More…made fire

While I’ve done more than 160 new things since the start of the year, there are only a few that have given me some genuinely useful skills. Today trumped all of those. Rachel and I headed to the wilds of Prospect Park for a fire-building class held by organic clothes company, Loomstate. It was led by …
Read More…saw the world’s biggest crochet

Well, it appears that I can’t tell the time, so I missed a poetry event I had planned tonight. Thankfully this is New York and there is always plenty of last-minute – and free – stuff going on. I jumped on the Q to Madison Square Park to see their latest outdoor art exhibit, Red, Yellow and …
Read More…rode the Cyclone at Coney Island

New York boasts hundreds of national landmarks – but I never expected to find one among gaudy rides and neon prizes at an amusement park. Today Noah and I jumped on a train to Coney Island, where we headed to the Cyclone, a huge, rickety rollercoaster that was erected in 1927 – and which has landmark …
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