Judge me all you want, but I love a good musical. Still, even though all the ones I’ve seen in New York have been great, they’ve all been a bit modern – leaving me craving some traditional, over-the-top, tap-dancing, jazz-handed fun. And this week, I found it. Meghan (you remember Meghan) had the sense to sign …
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…watched Shakespeare in Carroll Park

Outdoor theater is one of my favorite things about New York in the summer. World-class acting in one of the city’s gorgeous green spaces… for free?! Why, yes please. Last week I was leaving the subway at Carroll Street when I heard some hollers nearby and realized that Carroll Park, which is usually home to lots of …
Read More…cheered for the Knicks

Last week my delicate English sensibilities were tested. Because I went to a sport’s game. I’ve been to a fair few sports events – baseball, football, tennis, rugby – but for some reason, the fans at the Knicks vs. the Trail Blazers basketball game on Wednesday were the roughest and the gruffest of them all. …
Read More…watched a Juilliard organ recital

Remember a year ago, when I went to a free concert and inadvertently ended up watching six-year-olds play the piano? Well, today I actually got it right. I’ve been missing my old habits so decided to scour free events and came across a concert by Juilliard organists near Times Square. Sorry to say it, but …
Read More…listened to underground musicians – above ground

New York subway musicians take busking to a whole new level. It’s not just some emo strumming his guitar – we’re talking tight harmonies, original songs, world instruments and attentive crowds. Thankfully, one New Yorker, Dan Pierson, has had the sense to gather together some of his favorite acts and take them above ground to …
Read More…watched Radio City’s Christmas Spectacular

When I met a Rockette at Radio City earlier this year, I promised to return soon for their lauded Christmas Spectacular. Today, with the help of a friendly Groupon, I beat the holiday crowd and settled down for the show. Apart from high kicks and glitzy costumes, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. And …
Read More…danced at Webster Hall

Tucked away on East 11th Street is one of the city’s top music venues: Webster Hall. I’ve been meaning to go here for ages and this week, Hillary asked me if I wanted to go there for a date to watch a British band, Frightened Rabbit. I, er, have to admit that I didn’t actually know …
Read More…saw Stomp

Stomp was first performed in 1991 in Brighton, which is the nearest city to my childhood town – and as it happens, the show is my neighbor here too. I finally decided to head to the Orpheum Theater in the East Village to see it tonight – and I’m very glad I was given this second …
Read More…watched a Japanese drum show

Doing a new thing every day makes sure I never forget that I have world-class talent right on my doorstep. And today – when I saw an amazing Japanese drum show – I was reminded once again. I jumped on the 1 train with Ryan and headed to the Taikoza Live show at the Peter …
Read More…met a marionette

If you don’t know the blog ‘Humans of New York’, which captures beautiful images of the city’s colourful characters, you need to check it out here. A few days ago on the site, I spied this teeny tiny character: Today I was wandering downtown and took a walk through Washington Square Park, and who did I spot, but …
Read More…met a Rockette

I’m back in the city and in full tourist mode. Today I headed up to Radio City Music Hall in Midtown for a backstage tour – something I’ve been unable to do until now because of its mid-day, weekday hours. The venue was the largest movie theatre in the world when it opened in 1932; it seats more than 6,000 people …
Read More…recoiled in horror at the Coney Island Circus Sideshow

When I went to Coney Island before, I missed out on quite a few treats. Today Ryan, Rory, Jane and I went back for some more of the old-fashioned rides and suntanning with frozen margaritas on the boardwalk. But most exciting of all – we watched the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. This show, which costs $5 and lasts for …
Read More…auditioned for The Bachelorette

Guys, I’m single and I’m in New York (which I’m realising is a pretty horrifying place to date). There’s only one thing for it. I need to go on The Bachelorette. Okay, this isn’t very true and I’ve never actually watched an episode. But there were open auditions at ABC’s studios in Midtown tonight, so …
Read More…cried with laughter at the Blue Man Group

I’ve been feeling a little anxious these past couple of days, so today I had a screw it! moment, whipped out my credit card and took myself to see the Blue Man Group in an effort to get out of the rut. I can’t remember quite why I opted for the show. My limited knowledge of the BMG …
Read More…watched a Chekhov play in Central Park

Since the start of the year, I’ve not found it too tough to find new things to do after work every day. But now that summer’s pretty much here, I feel like there are even more options thanks to the dry, warm, light evenings. Tonight I took advantage of one such summer option – a free Chekhov …
Read More…booed at the Apollo Theater

It’s been a manic week at work, so tonight’s activity gave me the chance to blow off some steam. There were lots of new things involved: A trip to Harlem, a visit to the famed Apollo Theater and most importantly my first experience of openly – and very overtly – booing (and meaning it). I headed …
Read More…visited a gallery on my lunchbreak

Usually lunchtime is a quick nip to a nearby deli, perhaps a walk around the block and then back to my desk. All within 15 minutes. But I’d seen there was a new exhibit at the Swiss Institute just a block away and I feared I wouldn’t make the 6pm closing time, so I decided to go there …
Read More…petted a horse in Grand Central Station

Today I headed to Grand Central Station to pet a horse. There’s an explanation: Performance artist Nick Cave is holding a seven-day exhibit showcasing his 30 straw-like horses at the station, and twice daily they put on a performance. Grand Central is great for random things like this – if you remember, I went to a …
Read More…visited a flower show (to kickstart Spring)

This is what New York looked like today: Seeing as Spring isn’t coming to me, I decided to go to Spring. After work, I jumped on the N train to Herald Square and headed to Macy’s for its massive annual flower show. A flower show doesn’t sound like the most inspiring thing to do, but …
Read More…went to Westminster Kennel Club dog show

Another day, another bizarre activity. Tonight it was entering the surprisingly exhilarating world of dog shows. I headed to Madison Square Garden to watch the second and final night of the annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show, and I was immediately sucked in. For three hours, I joined the rest of the crowd in gasping …
Read More…tried a new tipple at Arlene’s Grocery
As I made my way to watch some music at Arlene’s Grocery in the Lower East Side, I thought about what new drink I could try. I had visions of a blog post entitled ‘…drank a Manhattan in Manhattan’. But as it turns out, there’s not really that sort of selection in the basement of …
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