During Hurricane Sandy, when subway stations were submerged and half the city was plunged into darkness, one of the only ways out of lower Manhattan was walking over the Williamsburg Bridge. A couple of times that week, I grabbed a torch and joined the mass exodus to reach friends’ warm apartments on the other side. It was very dark, very quiet and very …
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Lydia’s List :: Tips for apartment hunting in New York

I love peeking inside other people’s homes, so I was kind of looking forward to apartment hunting this summer. But I soon realized that it can quickly become frustrating thanks to eye-watering broker fees, unanswered emails and learning the real meaning of words like ‘cosy’. It definitely was a few months of chaos trying to …
Read More…toured inside the Woolworth Building

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a reader suggesting I check out the Woolworth Building. To be honest, I didn’t even know it was possible, thanks to the ‘No Tourists Beyond This Point’ sign outside. But as I discovered, the Woolworth does open its doors to small groups – a new development over the past …
Read More…became an animator at the Museum of the Moving Image

Thanks to the Museum of the Moving Image, I can now add ‘animator’ and ‘voice actor’ to my resumé. It all began when I finally trekked there this weekend after months of meaning to go. And I was chuffed to see it’s a great interactive museum that also gives plenty of ‘ooh, I haven’t thought about that in …
Read More…visited Libby

I’ve called her Libby for years now, but we really don’t know each other well enough to be so informal. We first met very briefly five years ago when I was roadtripping around the U.S.. I was traveling on my own so I asked a stranger to take a photo of me and Libby together, but for some …
Read More…ate tacos cooked in a Volkswagen campervan

When I was about 12, my dad bought a bright turquoise VW campervan and I remember he spent ages trying to find the best Campervan Insurance. But when he did he was over the moon and ready to take it on a proper adventure. It all seemed very cute until he decided to take me …
Read More…checked out street art in Chelsea

<< woman’s face by Pamela Barsky I’m forever saying how small Manhattan is (it wouldn’t take you more than 40 minutes to walk across), yet there are some places that seem so distant to me because my life never takes me there. Chelsea is one such place. So when the glorious Brooklyn Brainery posted about a street art tour there, …
Read More…played the tourist in St Andrews

Whenever I get within a train or two of St Andrews, I head back. It’s been nearly 10 years since I started university there, and every time I visit, I’m still amazed by how quaint it is. I’m also amazed that I busied myself there for four years without getting tired of the place; the town …
Read More…explored Edinburgh Castle

I know I’ve not blogged in a few days, but I have a good excuse, I swear! Last week, Ryan and I popped over to Scotland (via Ireland) for a wedding – and got to work on a long list of things we wanted to see//eat//do. It means that we’ve returned from the holiday more …
Read More…was tricked by St Ann’s Church

When I’m walking north, I always do my best to avoid the madness of Union Square. One recent route took me along 12th Street between 3rd and 4th avenues, where I spotted this gorgeous church – St Ann’s – snug against the other buildings. But something wasn’t quite right. The buildings behind looked almost too …
Read More…visited a Venetian Palace (in the West Village)

Despite the chill that’s gripped New York, I was itching for a walk after work and decided to head to the West Village – an area of Manhattan I don’t know too well. Blowing into my hands, I meandered through the diagonal streets, admiring the typically New York apartment blocks with fire escapes snaking up their sides. But …
Read More…took a walking tour in the LES

This weekend, I got a treat – Heather arrived in New York City! Heather and I have known each other since we were six – and I think we’re still pretty much the same today: an unchanged sense of humor, an unparalleled ability to chat rubbish to anyone who’ll listen and penchant for kiss chase. Today …
Read More…watched a Juilliard organ recital

Remember a year ago, when I went to a free concert and inadvertently ended up watching six-year-olds play the piano? Well, today I actually got it right. I’ve been missing my old habits so decided to scour free events and came across a concert by Juilliard organists near Times Square. Sorry to say it, but …
Read More…review the best and worst of NYC

*** This post was first shared in January 2014 after I finished a year of doing a new activity in New York every day. This blog is largely defunct so this post is a great place to start if you’re visiting New York and looking for things to do! For more on this project, visit …
Read More…dodged the scaffolding at St Patrick’s Cathedral

When I got to St Patrick’s Cathedral – the highlight of Fifth Avenue’s skyline – tonight, I was disappointed to see the place was filled with scaffolding. Ugh. How was I supposed to see this famous 19th century church in all its glory? But instead of whining, I realized that this was an entirely new …
Read More…went aboard the USS Intrepid

We landed in New York last night – and unfortunately brought the bad weather back with us. But while it wasn’t particularly pleasant to be walking around with a soaked jacket, it did mean that I got a very authentic experience when I went to The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum this afternoon. You know …
Read More…climbed to the top of St Paul’s Cathedral

I lived in London for two years before moving to the U.S., but due to night shifts, shorthand classes and complacency, I never got to know it. But today I finally took my new Today’s The Day I attitude to my old home. Ryan and I jumped on a train (some are finally working!) and …
Read More…walked on The Pantiles

A storm hit southern England last night – leaving my family’s home without power or heat (just in time for Christmas) and trees strewn across roads and train tracks. It meant that our plan to play tourists for the day in London was scuppered – no trains were heading north. So instead, we jumped in …
Read More…toured Brighton’s Royal Pavilion

I’ve hopped across the Atlantic for the week – my first time back in the UK for Christmas in three years. As well as gluttony beyond belief, this longer trip also allows me to visit some of my favorite spots outside my hometown – and to be a tour guide for Ryan, who’s visiting too. …
Read More…took the East Village Mosaic Trail

I’ve lived in the East Village for nine months now and I’ve obviously not been paying attention. Today I was looking for new things to check out nearby and came across the Mosaic Trail – quirky mosaicked lampposts just a stone’s throw from my front door. Even though I pass the lampposts every single day …
Read More…visited St Bart’s Church (and saw St Nick)

I’d been looking forward to some carolling on the steps of St Bart’s church in Midtown with Ryan and Helen tonight so we scooted up there straight after work. Unfortunately, either we scooted too slow or the singers were too fast because when we arrived, the choir had disbanded and were munching on festive biscuits …
Read More…went back in time at the Merchant’s House Museum

I love having a good nosey around a stranger’s house – and I also love visiting old properties frozen in time, so that I can wander through the rooms, imagining myself as a former resident. Today I got to do both at the Merchant’s House Museum. My friend Jade had suggested heading to this house …
Read More…made a gingerbread masterpiece

I’ve been to various creative Christmas exhibits this year and they’ve left me itching to get out the glue gun. Today I finally got the chance to get messy – as Ryan and I helped his family construct a gingerbread village. We headed to his family home in Long Island where his mum, Stephanie, had already crafted …
Read More…marveled at the Botanical Gardens’ holiday train show

As we all know by now, I can never get enough of the New York skyline. And apart from the more recognizable buildings – the Empire State, the Chrysler Building, Freedom Tower – I also love the aesthetic of the other properties, from apartment rows, downtown streets and olde homes. Tonight I headed to a …
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