Quite often when I do my new things, the experience turns out very different from the one I expected. Like how normal I found all the girls at The Bachelorette audition, or how I left an air guitar competition convinced it was a serious sport. And tonight my reaction felt more extreme than the others. …
Read MoreCategory / Personal Feat
…bowled at a retro alley

A few weeks ago, I took part in a bowling league with my colleagues at Frames in Midtown. I did very, very badly and wanted to see if I fared any better by approaching the sport in a new way. And as it turns out, I would have been better in the 1970s. Ryan and I …
Read More…went to the beach in Manhattan

Some of my friends have suggested day trips to Rockaway Beach, while others have said Sandy Hook, New Jersey is the place to take a dip in the sea. Today I realised that I didn’t need to go that far to feel the sand between my toes – because there’s a beach right here in Manhattan. …
Read More…sweated at Bikram yoga

As if enduring 90-degree heat (34C) outside wasn’t enough, I decided to sit in a room at temperatures of 105 (41C) tonight while attempting to contort in a number of painful, painful poses: Today’s the day I took on Bikram yoga. Before this blog, I used to take yoga classes sporadically, but I’d never been …
Read More…watched 4th July fireworks over the city

The U.S. has been very good to me. She’s introduced me to brilliant people, given me some unforgettable experiences across 33 states and let me live in the best city in the world. So tonight – the 4th of July – I raised a beer (Bud, of course) to say thanks. Obviously I heard a fair …
Read More…won at the Chinatown Arcade

Yesterday I learned I’m pretty bad at life drawing. But it’s okay, because I’ve found my calling: Arcade games. Tonight Ryan and I hid from the rain in the Chinatown Fair, which is crammed full with games from air hockey to skee ball, street fighter to punching bags. When I watched Before Midnight a couple …
Read More…drank a Manhattan overlooking Manhattan

I have a pretty sore head this morning, but last night I think I went to a leaving party for my news editor, Danny. We all headed to the Jimmy, a gorgeous rooftop bar above The James New York hotel in SoHo. As well as serving up copious amounts of alcohol and teeny tiny snacks, …
Read More…danced on a xylophone

A couple of weeks ago when I headed to Battery Park for Memorial Day, I spied a human-sized xylophone on the ground – nine massive bronze steps to jump on and make music. Today I headed back, envisioning a ‘Big’ keyboard scene for myself. Of course it wasn’t that simple. But as I hopped across …
Read More…auditioned for The Bachelorette

Guys, I’m single and I’m in New York (which I’m realising is a pretty horrifying place to date). There’s only one thing for it. I need to go on The Bachelorette. Okay, this isn’t very true and I’ve never actually watched an episode. But there were open auditions at ABC’s studios in Midtown tonight, so …
Read More…groped the Naked Cowboy

Forget the Empire State and the Statue of Liberty, a real New York sight to behold is the Naked Cowboy. This semi-clad stalwart of Times Square is a tourist favourite and yet I’d never before clasped my eyes on his instrument (he plays the guitar). His real name is Robert John Burck and he’s been doing this gig since …
Read More…played a piano in the street

The rain managed to stay away for most of the day, so this afternoon I took advantage and headed to Prince Street and West Broadway to serenade Rachel – on a piano in the street. Eighty-eight pianos (referring to the number of keys) have been dropped in public places across the city by Sing For Hope …
Read More…rocked out at an air guitar competition (and met the U.S. champion)

At the zombie parade on Sunday, I bumped into my friend Darla, who suggested I go to something even more bizarre this week: An air guitar competition. Yes. This actually exists. So tonight Jeff and I headed to St. Vitus, a dingy, divey metal bar on the northern tip of Greenpoint, to meet Darla for …
Read More…was in a music video (part 2)

A bonus blog today… Remember when I was in a music video? Well, it’s finally out! The lovely Lindsay Ellyn has released the video of ‘Somebody Love Those Girls’ and it’s gorgeous. The song, which is about women desperate to be loved, is heart-wrenching but beautiful – and watching the video brought back memories of a great …
Read More…cycled to work on a Citi Bike

Every morning I have a 23 minute walk to work. Okay so I know that’s quite a luxury but seeing as I start at 7am, I’m happy to do anything that’ll shear off 10 minutes. Well, finally, it’s here! The Citi Bike. The clunky blue bikes have been up and running (rolling?) for a week now, …
Read More…made a mug

After getting to bed after sunrise this morning, it was time for a quieter evening. I headed to La Mano Pottery in Chelsea where I kept my eyes open long enough to make a wonky, bumpy mug. And I couldn’t be prouder. I took part in the Introduction to Hand Building class and, perhaps because of …
Read More…joined a New York library

It rained today. Not good rain – manky, sideways, soggy rain that seeped into my shoes and left me wanting to hide inside. It also washed my after-work event right off the calendar so I was left wondering what to do. Then I realised it was the perfect day to complete something I’ve been vowing …
Read More…peed in the middle of a restaurant

Okay, this isn’t exactly how it sounds. I did relieve myself in the middle of a restaurant, but it was in a restroom and there were walls around it. They just happened to be glass. I met John and Paul at the appropriately named Peep, a Thai restaurant on Prince Street that for some reason …
Read More…walked through Central Park with 30,000 people

It’s about time I did something good, so today I battled the rain and took part in the city’s AIDS Walk – an annual event where thousands of participants power through Central Park to raise money for HIV/AIDS awareness, services and treatment. I was supposed to take part with a friend (who shall remain nameless) but after …
Read More…visited Bluth’s Banana Stand

A few weeks ago, I was looking for a show on Netflix that I could put on in the background as I got ready, or if I just needed a brief distraction. Arrested Development popped up as a suggestion, so I went for it – unaware that a few weeks on I’d be a serious addict. I …
Read More…saw the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere

Today One World Trade Center was fitted with its spire, making it the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at a ridiculous 1,776 feet – an allusion to the year the US signed the Declaration of Independence. I was looking through pictures at work this morning and felt inspired to go and have a peek myself. …
Read More…rode a mechanical bull

I’ve drunk far too many frozen Margaritas to make sense at this point. Or maybe it’s concussion – because tonight I rode a mechanical bull. With a group of work friends, I headed to Johnny Utah’s – a grimy Midtown spot famous for its bull – and eventually convinced two of the others, James and …
Read More…rode the Cyclone at Coney Island

New York boasts hundreds of national landmarks – but I never expected to find one among gaudy rides and neon prizes at an amusement park. Today Noah and I jumped on a train to Coney Island, where we headed to the Cyclone, a huge, rickety rollercoaster that was erected in 1927 – and which has landmark …
Read More…went to the hotel where Stephen King wrote The Shining

Last night, as we recuperated from our day of exertion, we popped on The Shining. I don’t know if any of us actually made it through the entire movie (blame the two-hour time difference) but we were inspired enough to visit the hotel where Stephen King wrote the novel. The Stanley Hotel was near our …
Read More…hiked a Colorado mountain (and saw elk)
After awaking to hangovers and piles of dishes from last night’s feast, we decided a bit of exercise might not be a bad idea. So we headed to a hiking trail at Estes Park that would take us to Gem Lake. On the way there, we saw these beauties on the side of the road: …
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