Part of me laughs when New Yorkers lust after tiny houses (we already live in tiny houses), but another, larger part of me gets it. I get the desire to be snug, surrounded by the wilderness or mountains. I get wanting to scale back to only what you need. The sleekness, the simplifying. Getaway is …
Read MoreCategory / Summer Activities
…met lots of cousins at the Global Family Reunion

Hello cousin! That’s right. You may not know it, but you’re my cousin… maybe my 19th cousin twice removed but still, my cousin. And while it means you owe me 29 birthday presents and 28 Christmas presents, I’ll overlook it because, well, we’re family. I actually only just realized that we’re cousins recently thanks to the Global Family …
Read More…saw New York City from One World Observatory

It’s here. For the first time in nearly 14 years, visitors can look over the city from a skyscraper in downtown Manhattan again. And not just any skyscraper – the tallest one in the entire Western Hemisphere. Finally, the One World Observatory is open – and of course, it’s incredible. I went on opening day about 10 days …
Read More…hopped on the Water Taxi

If the subways seem too hot and cabs seem too pricey, there’s a far breezier and cheaper way to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan: the water taxi. The New York Water Taxi has several routes but one of them – between Van Brunt Street in Red Hook, IKEA and Lower Manhattan – is completely free …
Read MoreLydia’s List: My favorite city spots for iced coffee

This warm weather means I’ve finally made the switch to iced coffee. Yesss. Since last summer, I’ve moved offices to Astor Place, giving me the chance to discover a few new places. So I thought I’d share a few of my top spots with you – near Astor Place and beyond – and ask for your tips on where I should …
Read More…got tipsy on a cocktail tour of the East Village

By now you probably know that I am a walking tour fan. There’s no better way to see the city than on foot accompanied by someone who knows their stuff. And among the tour groups, Urban Adventures is one of my favorites thanks to their wealth of knowledge, small group sizes and choice of lesser-known locations. So when I …
Read More…went camping at Alder Lake

For months now, Ryan and I have been keen to go camping — and we weren’t going to let a bit of snow stop us. So last weekend, despite predicted freezing temperatures, we stuffed our backpacks with sleeping bags, snacks and plenty of layers, jumped in the car and headed to the Catskills. If we …
Read More…(barely) saw the cherry blossoms at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

Seeing the cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens is an NYC must, so last weekend, I headed there hoping that a few blossoms had defied the unseasonably cold weather to make an appearance. Thankfully, one or two had. Yes, they were few and far between – but ooh, they were lovely. Last weekend was the annual Sakura Matsuri …
Read More…ate knish and dumplings with Urban Adventures

I’ve taken a fair few guided walks around the Lower East Side, so when I joined Urban Adventures‘ food tour last weekend, I was expecting more of the same. Ah, how wrong I was. The three-hour, fact-packed tour, Tenements, Tales, and Tastes, started at City Hall and took our small group north – past African burial grounds, through former slums, into Chinatown’s hidden dumpling shops and towards Little …
Read More…toured New York’s top movie sites

Give me a decent science museum or a must-see art exhibit and I’m all for it, but I usually draw the line at super touristy activities (well, if you ignore this). That all changed last weekend when I had the joy – yes, joy – of being a tourist in my own city. On Location Tours …
Read More…discovered Shuffleboard at Royal Palms

If you want to take on Royal Palms‘ shuffleboard courts in Gowanus, not only do you need to be surprisingly agile and focused – you also have to be very, very prompt. Ryan and I headed there on Sunday at 1pm – just an hour after it opened – and there was already an hour’s wait. …
Read More…walked over the world’s longest footbridge

New York has its iconic bridges (I’ve hopped over the Brooklyn Bridge, skipped over the Manhattan Bridge and taken my sweet ass time looking at art on the Williamsburg Bridge) but they were mere (meer?) preparation for this guy: This is ‘Walkway Over The Hudson’ – the longest elevated footbridge in the world. And it’s right here in …
Read More…visited Minnewaska State Park in time to see the leaves

The clocks have changed, the mercury has plunged and I’m back on the hot coffees. I think we’re nearing winter. Thankfully when I went upstate last weekend (yes, another escape from the city), the leaves were still holding on. I concluded that, without a doubt, my favorite season in New York is autumn – I’m …
Read More…went to Tom Fruin’s house

This waterfront home – with unobstructed views of the Manhattan skyline and some very colorful decor – is the hottest property in NYC right now. You can’t actually live there (and not just because you can’t afford it), but you can visit – and you really, really should. The plexiglas house, ‘Kolonihavehus’, is the creation of Brooklyn-based …
Read More…fell in love with Waterford NY

Forget Chipotle and Days of Our Lives, my favorite thing about the U.S. is its sheer variety. I love Georgia for its cities frozen in time, Illinois for its glistening architecture, California for its deserts, Washington for its remote islands and Vermont for being the greenest place I have ever seen. And New York? New York offers everything …
Read More…walked the new section of the High Line

Whenever visitors ask what they should do in New York, my first answer is THE HIGH LINE. Every time. This salvaged railway line-turned-walkway starts in a beautiful part of the city, offers you views to Jersey and across the city, lets you in on a bit of history and entertains you with art and local snacks along the route. Oh, and it’s free. …
Read More…rode the Thunderbolt

All summer we’ve been complaining that it’s not hot enough. I even heard the dreaded ‘polar vortex’ mentioned a couple of months ago. But forget all that because the weather right now is perfect: crisp, sunny and dry. For one final summer adventure, Ryan, Charlotte and I decided to be big kids at the place big kids …
Read More…petted animals at the Long Island Fair

An added bonus of going out with Ryan is that I’ve been able to visit Long Island – where he grew up – many, many times. When you can tear me away from our new(ish) neighborhood, going out there is one of my favorite weekend things to do. And this weekend? There was the countryside! animals! …
Read More…saw street art (inside)

You know all those spray-painted squiggles, full-scale artworks or cartoonish stickers you see around the city? Well, sometimes they’re advertising for an artist’s other work. The artists frantically spray those squiggles or post stickers over the city all day, every day, so that they spread awareness for their brand. And it’s worked on me. This is how …
Read More…cheered for the jousting at the Renaissance Faire

I’ve always said that some time apart from New York can do wonders for my relationship with her; I come back sane again. But this weekend, when I ventured out of the city, I’m not sure I came back all that okay in the head. Welcome to the Renaissance Faire. This annual spectacle is held at …
Read More…tested Hay Rosie’s ice cream

If I could eat ice cream for every meal, I would. So when I heard that Hay Rosie makes savory flavors, I wondered if this might be the lunch or dinner option I was looking for. The tiny Brooklyn shop has dished out some interesting options in the past few months: feta and goat cheese with tomato caramel swirl; spicy Sriracha Popcorn; …
Read More10 things I learned from the Red Hook Beekeeper

I try not to be too dramatic when a bee buzzes near my face, but the truth of the matter is that the last time I was stung, my forehead swelled up so much I couldn’t see for a week. The only relief was that I was up a mountain in Spain so I didn’t have …
Read More…worked on the Red Hook Community Farm

Our new garden has proved to be a handy spot for grilling corn and drinking cold beers during these sticky summer evenings. But in terms of being used for actual gardening, it’s not quite up to scratch yet. Thankfully, we’re not far from the Red Hook Community Farm, a surprisingly large operation that lives on top of …
Read More…took part in a lightsaber battle

Whatever you’re into, you can guarantee that New York is teeming with other people with the same interest. So if you fancy dressing as a Star Wars character, activating your lightsaber and battling hundreds of foe in Washington Square Park, you can be sure it’ll happen. Welcome to my Saturday night. I’m not a Star Wars geek, but I am …
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