The week I started this blog, I flew across the country to the furthest, greenest corner to visit a university friend, Jane. She lives on San Juan Island, which is off the coast of Washington state and is so far north that its residents can see Canada. After reaching the island by a teeny six-seater plane, I …
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…saw Paul, John, Ringo and George at the Morrison Hotel Gallery

There was something amiss when I left work tonight… It was still light. Feeling there were hours ahead of me before I needed to be anywhere, I decided to check out a gallery a few blocks from the office that I’d seen mentioned by the MurphGuide: the Morrison Hotel Gallery. I’d read that it was hosting …
Read More…spotted celebrities at a Polaroid exhibit

I know. I’ve not blogged in a week. It’s the first time in more than a year that I’ve headed home, eaten dinner and watched TV. And it feels terrible. Yesterday, my restlessness finally reached a crescendo. So after work, Ryan and I wandered to a tiny gallery just around the corner from my SoHo …
Read More…checked out the Museum of the City of New York

Did you know that ‘Manhattan’ comes from the native American term, ‘Manna-hata’? That The Bronx was initially called ‘Bronck’s Land’ after a wealthy emigrant, Jonas Bronck, who acquired it from tribes? And that ‘Brooklyn’ was first called Breuckelen, named after the town in the Netherlands by Dutch settlers? Well, I didn’t – until I went to the …
Read More…learned a lot at the Museum of Chinese in America

Now this is how you do a museum. After last night’s struggle at the Center for Jewish History, I was keen to get back on the horse. Thankfully there are a few Thursday late-night museum openings, so I headed to one right by my SoHo office – the Museum of Chinese in America, or MOCA. And – wow. …
Read More…saw Madison Square Park’s tree sculptures

I had a date with Katia after work tonight so I had to scuttle to a new thing ASAP. Thankfully this is Manhattan, so finding a great, quick experience nearby wasn’t too hard. Madison Square Park has a new outdoor art exhibit and I wanted to see it before it started getting dark out, so …
Read More…visited Photoville

In the past six months, somehow I’ve become a crier. I used to let stories I wrote at work wash over me, but now I’m forever fumbling for the tissues. One of my news editors even told me recently that she can tell it’s a good story if she hears a sniff from my desk. I’m …
Read More…met the original Winnie the Pooh

I grew up just a stone’s throw away from Hartfield in West Sussex, where the stories of Winnie the Pooh and his friends were created. If you remember, earlier this year when I was back in England, I even played the characters’ favourite game, Pooh Sticks, at the bridge that inspired it. And even though I’m now …
Read More…saw sculptures made from Lego

After work, I headed to the Discovery museum at Times Square with Dave – the biggest Lego geek I’ve ever met – for an art exhibit of works made entirely from the teeny plastic bricks. The Art of the Brick is showcasing the handiwork of Nathan Sawaya until next year. Sawaya is a New York-based artist and famed …
Read More…went punk at the Met

I’ve got a couple of days off and have nothing planned apart from making the most of New York activities. Today I finally fulfilled my months-long aim of going to the Met; it’s somewhere I’d avoid completely at weekends. And even first thing on a Friday morning, the place was heaving. I made the trip …
Read More…visited the Whitney Museum (and Edward Hopper’s house)

For many of these new things, I feel like I’m in a rush. But this morning when I woke up groggy from last night’s karaoke fest, I had a glorious realisation: For the first time in many months, I had nothing to do and nowhere to be. It meant that when I scooted up to the …
Read More…saw the world’s biggest crochet

Well, it appears that I can’t tell the time, so I missed a poetry event I had planned tonight. Thankfully this is New York and there is always plenty of last-minute – and free – stuff going on. I jumped on the Q to Madison Square Park to see their latest outdoor art exhibit, Red, Yellow and …
Read More…went to a Tracey Emin art opening

Before Helen and I headed to the Tracey Emin art opening at the Lehmann Maupin gallery on the Lower East Side, I worried we’d not be able to get in. I envisioned swarms of black-clad waifs with peroxide pixie cuts and piercings lining the streets. And me sticking out like a sore thumb in my summer dress. …
Read More…visited a gallery on my lunchbreak

Usually lunchtime is a quick nip to a nearby deli, perhaps a walk around the block and then back to my desk. All within 15 minutes. But I’d seen there was a new exhibit at the Swiss Institute just a block away and I feared I wouldn’t make the 6pm closing time, so I decided to go there …
Read More…went to a designer shoe exhibition

I have about four pairs of shoes and will probably buy exactly the same ones when they wear through. My friend Rachel, however, seems to have several new pairs delivered every week; I will never understand how she makes it to the office without spraining an ankle. So the Shoe Obsession exhibit at the Fashion …
Read More…saw Buckyball
The bank called to ask whether I’d tried to spend $800 at one of the online casinos uk. Luckily they guessed the chances were slim. While I’ve always been interested in something like a paypal casino, this particular effort was not my doing. Now thanks to my entire lack of a contingency plan (and my …
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