I’d long seen pictures of this giant metal globe up in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens but when I finally visited, I could not believe how huge it is. It’s called the Unisphere and it’s an incredible remnant of the 1964-65 World’s Fair. The stainless steel structure was designed by top landscape architect Gilmore D. Clarke …
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…hopped on the Water Taxi

If the subways seem too hot and cabs seem too pricey, there’s a far breezier and cheaper way to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan: the water taxi. The New York Water Taxi has several routes but one of them – between Van Brunt Street in Red Hook, IKEA and Lower Manhattan – is completely free …
Read More…went bird-watching on Broadway

When I lived in London, one of my city-born friends told me he’d never seen a sheep in real life. That is a true story. I think he was about 23 at the time. I was so stunned into silence that I couldn’t ask him all the follow-up questions I now have (had he never been on …
Read More…drank coffee at Central Perk

New York can be an intimidating sprawl when you’re new to town, so sometimes it’s nice to pop to a place that’s slightly more recognizable. My sister Charlotte is visiting from New Zealand and, while she isn’t scared by the size of the city, I still thought it would be good to visit an old, familiar favorite: …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

From new street art to The Jackson 5 taking over my local subway station, here are some things that have made me smile this week. Seeing The Flower Guy‘s latest work (and recognizing it). Before moving to New York, I knew very little about street art, but in the past few years I’ve taken some cracking tours …
Read More…was a hair model

When it comes to haircuts, I’m incredibly British. I always pick something very reserved (‘a bit of a trim, please, not too much’) and when I’m in the seat, I’m far too polite. I usually prefer to have my hair cut at home using a service similar to Beauty Booker hair services. I don’t always …
Read More…listened to music at ‘Target Free Thursday’

Thanks to some talented musical friends, I’ve been fortunate to discover a cracking range of new musicians while living in New York. But none has stuck with me as much as Kate Davis. I first heard her play at Bowery Electric about 18 months ago – and I was transfixed. She has this timeless voice that …
Read More…saw The Kelpies

As great as the Tartan Day Parade was on Saturday, it wasn’t enough of a Scotland fix, so I headed to Bryant Park for another. I knew it was hosting The Kelpies – two massive horse sculptures by Scottish artist Andy Scott (yes, Scott) that celebrate the nation’s reliance on horses throughout the years. But after seeing online …
Read More…watched a Juilliard organ recital

Remember a year ago, when I went to a free concert and inadvertently ended up watching six-year-olds play the piano? Well, today I actually got it right. I’ve been missing my old habits so decided to scour free events and came across a concert by Juilliard organists near Times Square. Sorry to say it, but …
Read More…saw old movies at Videology

In this age of Netflix and DVR (that’s Sky Plus to you Brits), video stores are becoming obsolete. But one shop in Williamsburg – Videology – knows that if you throw in a bar, boozy milkshakes and classic movies, you’re going to be on to a winner. Tonight they were showing Back To The Future, which …
Read More…started off the New Year with a bang at Prospect Park

New Year’s Eve can be rubbish can’t it? The first year I got here, I paid $100 to get into a creepy club with sticky floors, lecherous men and no way of getting to the bar. I vowed never to do it again. This year I also had to factor in a 7 a.m. shift …
Read More…took the East Village Mosaic Trail

I’ve lived in the East Village for nine months now and I’ve obviously not been paying attention. Today I was looking for new things to check out nearby and came across the Mosaic Trail – quirky mosaicked lampposts just a stone’s throw from my front door. Even though I pass the lampposts every single day …
Read More…learned a lot at the Museum of Chinese in America

Now this is how you do a museum. After last night’s struggle at the Center for Jewish History, I was keen to get back on the horse. Thankfully there are a few Thursday late-night museum openings, so I headed to one right by my SoHo office – the Museum of Chinese in America, or MOCA. And – wow. …
Read More…was baffled by the Broken Kilometer

Remember when I saw that bizarre room filled with nothing but dirt a few months ago? Well, I recently discovered there was another permanent art installation right by my office by the same people, artist Walter De Maria and the Dia Art Foundation. So I thought I’d pop by. At lunch time, I danced my …
Read More…explored a 1,000-year-old church

I’ve loved some of New York’s historical offerings this year, from the Morgan Library to the Frick Collection. But while I’ve tried not to be a history snob, I also know they’re relatively young compared to what’s here in the U.K., so today I got a fix of something a little older – a 1,000-year-old …
Read More…went to 10 Downing Street

I’m heading to the UK tonight, so I decided to start my British-themed activities right here in New York – with a trip to 10 Downing Street. As you know, in London, 10 Downing Street is an immaculate building in Westminster where the Prime Minister lives. While I’ve never been inside, I used to visit …
Read More…visited the Transit Museum’s holiday train show

Tonight I revisited Grand Central station – and the Christmas spirit – as I went to see the new model train display housed in the mini Transit Museum Annex. What seemed like a small-ish display when I first entered the store in fact took ages to look around because it was brimming with fantastic details. Electric trains …
Read More…took Ryan Gosling on the Staten Island Ferry

Today I went on a long-overdue date with Ryan. No, not that one. Ryan Gosling, of course. New York is crammed with celebrities – I’ve spotted Meg Ryan drinking a cuppa, Jennifer Aniston browsing labels and Kelly Ripa heading home after the gym – so occasionally you’re going to be introduced to a recognizable face. …
Read More…visited the Morgan Library

All year I’ve struggled with museum opening times. There are hundreds of museums and galleries across the city, but most close by 5 or 6pm, shutting us workers out. Thankfully I’ve begun to realize that they don’t ignore us entirely, because a handful throw open their doors late one night a week – and entry …
Read More…checked out the ‘Heroes’ mural

This afternoon, kids and community members put the final dabs of paint on a massive 3D mural honouring the city’s 9/11 heroes on the Lower East Side. I had hoped to make the ribbon cutting ceremony, but unfortunately I couldn’t escape work in time. But not to worry because the mural was still waiting for me when I finally got …
Read More…visited Central Park’s castle

A couple of weeks ago, I learned there’s a castle right in the middle of Central Park. Today was crisp and sunny – and seemed to be the perfect day for a visit. And when I got up there this morning, there was an added treat as the leaves are just changing, turning the park orange and red. Belvedere …
Read More…visited the Time Landscape

Venture to the northeast corner of West Houston and LaGuardia Place, and you’ll also venture back in time. A tiny public park called the ‘Time Landscape’ sits on the corner and features plants and trees that existed in that spot – and across the rest of Manhattan – before the Subways, Starbucks and disgruntled millions …
Read More…saw Art in Odd Places

If you take 14th Street and walk across the city, it’s sheer madness. The street, which is one of the widest downtown, sweeps you past neon chain stores, four-lane roads and the mania of Union Square. And for this week only, it also takes you past an array of outdoor art – but you’d better …
Read More…saw Madison Square Park’s tree sculptures

I had a date with Katia after work tonight so I had to scuttle to a new thing ASAP. Thankfully this is Manhattan, so finding a great, quick experience nearby wasn’t too hard. Madison Square Park has a new outdoor art exhibit and I wanted to see it before it started getting dark out, so …
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