I’d long seen pictures of this giant metal globe up in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens but when I finally visited, I could not believe how huge it is. It’s called the Unisphere and it’s an incredible remnant of the 1964-65 World’s Fair. The stainless steel structure was designed by top landscape architect Gilmore D. Clarke …
Read MoreTag / Things to see
…visited Grant’s Tomb

If you jump on the subway and ride north to Morningside Heights, you’ll reach a very different part of the city. It’s quieter and greener, and has much more space. So much space in fact that it’s home to the world’s largest cathedral and North America’s largest mausoleum. Laid to rest in that mausoleum are President Ulysses S. Grant and his wife, …
Read More…visited Al Capone’s wedding chapel

Earlier this week, my friend Claire sent me a great New York Times video about my neighborhood, Carroll Gardens. The short film gives an interesting insight into the historically-Italian neighborhood and how it’s changed (and gives plenty of the reasons why I love it so much): For me, the most interesting factoid from the video was …
Read More…went bird-watching on Broadway

When I lived in London, one of my city-born friends told me he’d never seen a sheep in real life. That is a true story. I think he was about 23 at the time. I was so stunned into silence that I couldn’t ask him all the follow-up questions I now have (had he never been on …
Read More…welcomed in spring at Macy’s Flower Show

I’m sorry to keep going on about it, but I’m fed up of winter. So thank you Macy’s for allowing me to pretend it’s spring. Last night I headed to Macy’s Flower Show, a mixture of art, botany, sweet scents and of course, window displays. It really does brighten up the dreary streets this time of year. When I got there, …
Read More…visited the Morbid Anatomy Museum

As a news reporter, I’m pretty fascinated by the weird and wonderful – and sometimes a little bit grisly. So when I heard about the Morbid Anatomy Museum opening in Gowanus last summer, I thought it sounded right up my street. Unfortunately, it failed to satisfy my curiosity – but I’ve decided not to let that put me …
Read More…was spooked by the Rise of the Jack O’Lanterns

Ever since I started this blog last year, I’ve loved how it’s been a group effort. Friends, family and strangers are always suggesting the next place for me to visit or sharing something exciting that they’ve got planned. Last week, my friend Justin was telling me about a Halloween event he was going to out on …
Read More…walked over the world’s longest footbridge

New York has its iconic bridges (I’ve hopped over the Brooklyn Bridge, skipped over the Manhattan Bridge and taken my sweet ass time looking at art on the Williamsburg Bridge) but they were mere (meer?) preparation for this guy: This is ‘Walkway Over The Hudson’ – the longest elevated footbridge in the world. And it’s right here in …
Read More…visited Winston Churchill’s mum’s house

Not too far from my apartment is a site that has a place in British history. If you wander along Henry Street in Cobble Hill and stop at number 426, you’ll be looking at the birthplace of Jennie Jerome. While her name might not ring any bells, you might know her son: Winston Churchill. If you …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

From new street art to The Jackson 5 taking over my local subway station, here are some things that have made me smile this week. Seeing The Flower Guy‘s latest work (and recognizing it). Before moving to New York, I knew very little about street art, but in the past few years I’ve taken some cracking tours …
Read More…donated books to the Little Free Library

As I’ve been packing up my East Village apartment ahead of moving, I’ve been thinking about where I can donate the alarming collection of stuff I never use. I plan to take most of it to the Housing Works in SoHo, but I thought I’d share my books with the people of New York City. There was only one option: New York’s Little …
Read More…met the Rockefeller Plaza’s newest resident

Between searching for new apartments and finding someone to take over mine, I’ve not had much time for many new things recently. One thing I’ve fancied – but haven’t got around to yet – is Jeff Koons’ new exhibit at the Whitney Museum. But this is New York, so there’s always a much quicker, cheaper alternative – if …
Read More…toured inside the Woolworth Building

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a reader suggesting I check out the Woolworth Building. To be honest, I didn’t even know it was possible, thanks to the ‘No Tourists Beyond This Point’ sign outside. But as I discovered, the Woolworth does open its doors to small groups – a new development over the past …
Read More…explored the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

When I tell people back in England that Ryan lives in Brooklyn, their eyes widen. ‘Is that safe?’ they ask. ‘Aren’t there gangs there? Like in films and stuff?’ So when my mum and aunt visited this weekend, Ryan and I thought we’d take them to Brooklyn to show them that it’s really quite safe, actually. We spent …
Read More…fell in love with the Planting Fields Arboretum

Yes, I love New York, but there’s no denying that the longer I live here, the more I seek out huge open spaces and greenery. I’m shocked when I see a front yard. Luckily, there are plenty of places for day trips from the city, from Beacon to Cooperstown. Last weekend I got my fix …
Read More…checked out street art in Chelsea

<< woman’s face by Pamela Barsky I’m forever saying how small Manhattan is (it wouldn’t take you more than 40 minutes to walk across), yet there are some places that seem so distant to me because my life never takes me there. Chelsea is one such place. So when the glorious Brooklyn Brainery posted about a street art tour there, …
Read More…played the tourist in St Andrews

Whenever I get within a train or two of St Andrews, I head back. It’s been nearly 10 years since I started university there, and every time I visit, I’m still amazed by how quaint it is. I’m also amazed that I busied myself there for four years without getting tired of the place; the town …
Read More…ate some English grub for St George’s Day

Growing up, I never felt particularly patriotic. I didn’t weep when David Beckham got us kicked out of the World Cup in 1998, and at university in Scotland, I learned that having an English accent wasn’t a point of pride. But since moving to New York, everything has changed. I am constantly telling Americans that they haven’t tasted …
Read More…took a daytrip to Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

While I was tied to my desk in Manhattan yesterday, Ryan was exploring trails, peeking into caves and filling his lungs with fresh air at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. Despite my jealousy, I was excited to see his pictures at the end of the day – and I thought they were too good for him to keep to himself. …
Read More…saw a subway map embedded in the sidewalk

I’m always nagging people to look up as they walk through New York (just look at what you can seeee), but this morning as I was shuffling towards work as the sun rose, I spied something special on the sidewalk. And it’s worth looking down for. On the sidewalk on Greene Street in Soho (between Spring …
Read More…took a food tour of the Lower East Side

New York is constantly evolving, and nowhere is a better example of this than the Lower East Side. While it was once filled with immigrants crammed into tenement houses, now there are swanky coffee shops and hipsters. But while most of the area has drastically changed, some tasty relics remain. I’ve previously toured businesses and buildings in …
Read More…saw The Kelpies

As great as the Tartan Day Parade was on Saturday, it wasn’t enough of a Scotland fix, so I headed to Bryant Park for another. I knew it was hosting The Kelpies – two massive horse sculptures by Scottish artist Andy Scott (yes, Scott) that celebrate the nation’s reliance on horses throughout the years. But after seeing online …
Read More…toured the Brooklyn Brewery

Of course, the first time in weeks that I have visitors, it rains. All weekend. Thankfully, the Brooklyn Brewery gave us a delicious indoor alternative to checking out the sites. Kate (who has her own very amazing blog here) and Darius had popped up from Washington D.C. for a couple of days and I was glad to hear that Darius …
Read More…got lost in the clouds at Central Park

It’s nearly April and winter’s still lurking. Just as I thought I’d be able to pack my winter coat away last week, it began snowing again. But last night, I wandered up to Central Park and realized they’re getting worse weather than the rest of us – because one section of the park is completely beneath clouds. This cute …
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