Sadly, this week’s list isn’t crammed full of food, but here are some of the things I’ve loved about New York City this week: 1 :: Walking along the Esplanade while looking for a piece of the Berlin Wall. The skies above the Hudson were blue, the buildings in Jersey were shiny – and despite being so near …
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…got merry at The Imbible

[Note: Scroll down to the comments section for a discount code for 5% off tickets!] Before moving to New York, I thought I was going to be seeing Broadway shows every week. But the reality is that they’re all in Midtown, which equals big, ugly crowds and big, ugly prices. Sometimes it’s the last place I want to …
Read More…found the Berlin Wall in NYC (Part II)

There are four sections of the Berlin Wall in New York City. The only section I’ve visited before is on 53rd Street, but it was removed at the end of last year for renovation work – so now I’m on a mission to track down the remaining pieces (before I’m 30!). On Saturday, I made the most of the …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

1 :: Design-your-own pasta bowls :: Last weekend, we discovered a lovely little spin on a fast-food spot – Pazzi Pasta on Smith Street in Brooklyn, where you pick your choice of fresh pasta, sauce and toppings. So fresh and so delicious – and so warming on a winter day. 2 :: This funky, colorful wall outside a school on East 2nd …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

I spoke to my sister on Skype the other night – she lives in New Zealand – and was pretty sickened by how she was sitting in the garden wearing her sunglasses and a t-shirt. (And don’t get me started on her tan.) Over here in New York, we’ve had another pretty dreary week. But! There have still been …
Read More…couldn’t Escape the Room

Ryan and I like to think we’re pretty smart. But if this blog has taught me one thing, it’s that that’s not actually the case. Remember when we went to a Murder Mystery certain that we’d crack it within minutes – but then left early because we had no idea what was going on? Well, …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about NYC this week

We’re back into NYC mode! And I’m taking a moment to remember some of the things I’ve loved in the city this week (as partly told by my Instagram!) 1 :: Blue winter skies. It’s freezing right now, but that’s absolutely fine with me because it’s made for some beautiful winter days. Doesn’t everything just …
Read More…met an alligator

(…no, not in New York.) Ryan and I have realized that whenever we go on holiday, we never take a break. Do you find the same? We always travel to places that we want to actually see, so we end up racing everywhere in a bid to do everything humanly possible. I reckon part of it is because my …
Read More…swam with manatees

After a two-day trek through the wilds of the south (with a stop at a questionable Waffle House), Ryan and I arrived in St Petersburg, Florida. We had driven there with a backseat of scuba diving equipment, but once we arrived, Ryan came across a slightly different option: swimming with manatees. We decided that we can scuba in many other …
Read MoreMy NYC 30 before 30

I’m back – and it’s a new year! I welcomed in 2015 by glugging a glass of bubbly beneath fireworks in Florida. I have lots of non-New York related photos (like the ones I posted to my Instagram over the past week) to share with you, but before then I thought I’d pop up and wish you a happy …
Read More…wish you a very merry Christmas

Just a mini post to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Whether you’re in New York or elsewhere, I hope you have a glorious day with lots of treats and loved ones… and an afternoon snooze. Sadly, I’m working in the city today – but I definitely got my fill of eggnog on Long Island …
Read More…caroled on the steps of St Bart’s

I love Christmas in New York, but it also makes me homesick for my mum’s Yorkshire puddings, mince pies and roaring fires. And, thanks to years of school carol concerts, it also doesn’t seem quite right without singing some tunes in church. But I always make up for what I can. This year, I’ll attempt to make …
Read More…shared my NYC tips with HotelClub

It’s been a busy couple of years. In fact, I’m just shy of completing 500 new experiences in New York since the start of 2013! During that time, I’ve also been sat in an office for 55 hours a week, so I hope it proves you can make the most of your city even if you’re …
Read More…met Santa Paws

All Georgia has been talking about for weeks now is Christmas. You might remember how last year I took her to a Christmas party for dogs in Prospect Park (ingeniously called ‘Bark! The Herald Angels Sing’), but it was a bit cold and wet, and we had to queue for ages to meet Santa. Thankfully …
Read MoreMy NYC suggestions for Will & Kate

Dear Will and Kate, Hello there my fellow countrymen! I hope you’re having a fantastic time in New York City – it’s a bit busier than Wales, isn’t it? I know you’ve got a pretty packed schedule, but if I may, can I suggest some other spots you might like? First up, take my advice and please …
Read More…had afternoon tea at the Russian Tea Room

Whenever I go back to England, I somehow always manage to squeeze in an afternoon tea – even if I’m just back for a weekend. And while England would seem the place to do it, there is a little gem of a location here in New York to satisfy my cravings too – although it’s definitely not …
Read More…visited the 9/11 Museum

I was in a year-nine drama class in England when the Twin Towers fell. I remember Mr Caldicott sitting us in a circle and trying to explain what had happened 4,000 miles away. But I didn’t understand. I didn’t even know what the words ‘World Trade Center’ meant. Today, my reaction is very different. Having lived here for …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

Oops, I’ve neglected these lists for a while, but they’re back! Here are just some of the small but lovely things that I’ve appreciated in the city this week. 1. The final glimpses of creative pumpkins. I spotted this one in Brooklyn Heights. 2:: The best new lunch spot I have found in a long …
Read More…was spooked by the Rise of the Jack O’Lanterns

Ever since I started this blog last year, I’ve loved how it’s been a group effort. Friends, family and strangers are always suggesting the next place for me to visit or sharing something exciting that they’ve got planned. Last week, my friend Justin was telling me about a Halloween event he was going to out on …
Read MoreLydia’s List: Here’s how to get in the Halloween spirit in NYC

Happy Halloween! The UK doesn’t do Halloween the same way Americans do – I think I dressed in a black t-shirt and bobbed for apples once as a child – so every year I’m still amazed by just how much people over here get into it. Right now, for example, my whole street in Brooklyn is …
Read More…went to Tom Fruin’s house

This waterfront home – with unobstructed views of the Manhattan skyline and some very colorful decor – is the hottest property in NYC right now. You can’t actually live there (and not just because you can’t afford it), but you can visit – and you really, really should. The plexiglas house, ‘Kolonihavehus’, is the creation of Brooklyn-based …
Read More…fell in love with Waterford NY

Forget Chipotle and Days of Our Lives, my favorite thing about the U.S. is its sheer variety. I love Georgia for its cities frozen in time, Illinois for its glistening architecture, California for its deserts, Washington for its remote islands and Vermont for being the greenest place I have ever seen. And New York? New York offers everything …
Read More…was underwhelmed by Magnolia Bakery

Cronuts and macaroons may now rule the treats here in New York, but once upon a time, the cupcake was king. Leading the way was Magnolia Bakery, which first started whipping up cupcakes from leftover batter at its Bleecker Street store in the 1990s, sparking the mania. Two decades on, even though the cupcake craze may be crumbling, Magnolia seems to be …
Read More…walked the new section of the High Line

Whenever visitors ask what they should do in New York, my first answer is THE HIGH LINE. Every time. This salvaged railway line-turned-walkway starts in a beautiful part of the city, offers you views to Jersey and across the city, lets you in on a bit of history and entertains you with art and local snacks along the route. Oh, and it’s free. …
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