Cronuts and macaroons may now rule the treats here in New York, but once upon a time, the cupcake was king. Leading the way was Magnolia Bakery, which first started whipping up cupcakes from leftover batter at its Bleecker Street store in the 1990s, sparking the mania. Two decades on, even though the cupcake craze may be crumbling, Magnolia seems to be …
Read MoreTag / West Village
…popped by Carrie Bradshaw’s

These days you’ll find me binge watching Gilmore Girls Say Yes To The Dress CNN, but about ten years ago, it was all about Sex and the City. Yes, I know a good 70 per cent of the dialogue off by heart. A couple of years ago, some of my gal pals and I won a Sex …
Read More…visited a Venetian Palace (in the West Village)

Despite the chill that’s gripped New York, I was itching for a walk after work and decided to head to the West Village – an area of Manhattan I don’t know too well. Blowing into my hands, I meandered through the diagonal streets, admiring the typically New York apartment blocks with fire escapes snaking up their sides. But …
Read More…tracked down homemade mince pies

As a Brit in New York, Christmas definitely lacks a few of my favorite traditions. Where are the paper chains? The cauldrons of spicy mulled wine? But those, I can manage. However, there’s one thing no drunken office party or snack by the fire should be without: a homemade mince pie. It’s rare that an …
Read More…went to 10 Downing Street

I’m heading to the UK tonight, so I decided to start my British-themed activities right here in New York – with a trip to 10 Downing Street. As you know, in London, 10 Downing Street is an immaculate building in Westminster where the Prime Minister lives. While I’ve never been inside, I used to visit …
Read More…took a ghost walk through the West Village

I’ve spent a fair few hours with spirits in the East Village, but tonight I ventured to the other side of the island to get to know a different kind. Armed with my camera and Jeff for protection, I went to Washington Square Park to learn about the ghouls terrorizing the West Village on a …
Read More…snooped around a stranger’s home with Open House NY

Even though moving apartments is always a pain, I love it because you get to snoop around other people’s houses. So when I learned there was a city-wide event this weekend where you could do exactly that without having to feign interest in moving in, I was very keen. Open House New York has been …
Read More…tracked down a Banksy

My fellow countryman Banksy is causing a daily frenzy on the streets of New York. The artist has started a month’s ‘residency’ in the city, and every day this month, a new work will crop up somewhere – causing fans to sprint through the streets to be the first to see it. Today I tracked …
Read More…found the city’s last gas lamp

After work, I scuttled a few blocks north to a tiny unassuming corner of Greenwich Village: Patchin Place. Like all the other quaint streets in this part of the city, there are gorgeous red bricks, snug coffee shops and rubbish-free sidewalks. But it also has something no other street here has: A gaslight lamp. The …
Read More…ate spaghetti ice cream

A few days ago, I spotted something bouncing around on Twitter: Spaghetti ice cream. Yes, I double took too. What exactly did it mean? Spaghetti with a dollop of ice cream? Ice cream flavored like spaghetti? In fact, it’s something far more delicious: Ice cream piped to look just like your favourite Italian dish. Ryan …
Read More…visited the 9/11 Tiles for America

It’s been 12 years since Mr Caldicot sat down our Year 10 drama class and told us America had been attacked. I remember Rebecca getting upset – her father was traveling in the States that day – but the rest of us sat in a numb, confused silence. The sheer scale and enormous heartbreak surrounding …
Read More…picnicked on the High Line

It’s getting cooler here in New York so I know summer’s on it’s way out. This means I probably only have a few weeks left to appreciate summer activities. So tonight I decided to have an early evening picnic on the lovely High Line – the former railway tracks that have been converted to a …
Read More…went to a jazz club

Tonight Ryan and I headed to Smalls, a tiny basement jazz club in the West Village. Shamefully, this is the first jazz club I’ve been to since moving to the city. The place was intimate – low lighting, rows of chairs pushed right up to the stage and a charming, shabby bar that made it hard …
Read More…celebrated St George’s Day in New York

I’ve been going all out with my New York experiences, but today I got the day off: Today it was St George’s Day, and time to celebrate the motherland. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever actually celebrated St. George’s Day in England, but this year, being so far from home, I was really keen …
Read More…ate an ice cream on the High Line

New York weather doesn’t know what it’s doing. While it’s not quite warm enough for bare legs, it’s definitely about time for the first ice cream of the season. Tonight after work, Helen and I walked to the West Village and picked up some sickly sweet cups of ice cream – strawberry for me, chocolate for her …
Read More…performed a set in the West Village
Well, this was pretty horrific. A few months ago I sang a song at one of Dylan’s shows and felt like it was over far too soon. So when some our friends suggested a ‘couple’s music night’ at Think on 8th Avenue, I thought it would be a good chance to attempt my first ever full set …
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