Outdoor theater is one of my favorite things about New York in the summer. World-class acting in one of the city’s gorgeous green spaces… for free?! Why, yes please. Last week I was leaving the subway at Carroll Street when I heard some hollers nearby and realized that Carroll Park, which is usually home to lots of …
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The best places to go near Carroll Gardens (according to a local)

Apart from the rows of trees, brownstones and ice cream shops, one of the best things about moving to Carroll Gardens is that we actually know people who live here. It means we can grab coffee with friends without too much notice – a novel idea in New York. Among those friends are J and Marie, two …
Read More…checked out art on the Williamsburg Bridge

During Hurricane Sandy, when subway stations were submerged and half the city was plunged into darkness, one of the only ways out of lower Manhattan was walking over the Williamsburg Bridge. A couple of times that week, I grabbed a torch and joined the mass exodus to reach friends’ warm apartments on the other side. It was very dark, very quiet and very …
Read More…met the Rockefeller Plaza’s newest resident

Between searching for new apartments and finding someone to take over mine, I’ve not had much time for many new things recently. One thing I’ve fancied – but haven’t got around to yet – is Jeff Koons’ new exhibit at the Whitney Museum. But this is New York, so there’s always a much quicker, cheaper alternative – if …
Read MoreLydia’s List :: My favorite things to do in summer in NYC

Finally! The weekends are getting hotter. I may not be looking forward to the whiff of the East Village in the summer, but I’m so glad to be enjoying the city’s glorious outdoor activities again. If you’re looking for things to do, here are my suggestions:1 :: Luna Park :: You can be a big kid again at this Coney Island …
Read More…became an animator at the Museum of the Moving Image

Thanks to the Museum of the Moving Image, I can now add ‘animator’ and ‘voice actor’ to my resumé. It all began when I finally trekked there this weekend after months of meaning to go. And I was chuffed to see it’s a great interactive museum that also gives plenty of ‘ooh, I haven’t thought about that in …
Read More…explored the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

When I tell people back in England that Ryan lives in Brooklyn, their eyes widen. ‘Is that safe?’ they ask. ‘Aren’t there gangs there? Like in films and stuff?’ So when my mum and aunt visited this weekend, Ryan and I thought we’d take them to Brooklyn to show them that it’s really quite safe, actually. We spent …
Read More…visited Libby

I’ve called her Libby for years now, but we really don’t know each other well enough to be so informal. We first met very briefly five years ago when I was roadtripping around the U.S.. I was traveling on my own so I asked a stranger to take a photo of me and Libby together, but for some …
Read More…fell in love with the Planting Fields Arboretum

Yes, I love New York, but there’s no denying that the longer I live here, the more I seek out huge open spaces and greenery. I’m shocked when I see a front yard. Luckily, there are plenty of places for day trips from the city, from Beacon to Cooperstown. Last weekend I got my fix …
Read More…explored Edinburgh Castle

I know I’ve not blogged in a few days, but I have a good excuse, I swear! Last week, Ryan and I popped over to Scotland (via Ireland) for a wedding – and got to work on a long list of things we wanted to see//eat//do. It means that we’ve returned from the holiday more …
Read More…took a daytrip to Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

While I was tied to my desk in Manhattan yesterday, Ryan was exploring trails, peeking into caves and filling his lungs with fresh air at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. Despite my jealousy, I was excited to see his pictures at the end of the day – and I thought they were too good for him to keep to himself. …
Read More…took a food tour of the Lower East Side

New York is constantly evolving, and nowhere is a better example of this than the Lower East Side. While it was once filled with immigrants crammed into tenement houses, now there are swanky coffee shops and hipsters. But while most of the area has drastically changed, some tasty relics remain. I’ve previously toured businesses and buildings in …
Read More…saw The Kelpies

As great as the Tartan Day Parade was on Saturday, it wasn’t enough of a Scotland fix, so I headed to Bryant Park for another. I knew it was hosting The Kelpies – two massive horse sculptures by Scottish artist Andy Scott (yes, Scott) that celebrate the nation’s reliance on horses throughout the years. But after seeing online …
Read More…went on an egg hunt

The last time I went on an Easter egg hunt was in Atlanta about five years ago, courtesy of my friend James: But I’ve discovered that leaving school and being a grown up means that no one organizes an egg hunt for you anymore. Thankfully, there’s always New York. Over the weekend, the Big Egg Hunt hid …
Read More…got lost in the clouds at Central Park

It’s nearly April and winter’s still lurking. Just as I thought I’d be able to pack my winter coat away last week, it began snowing again. But last night, I wandered up to Central Park and realized they’re getting worse weather than the rest of us – because one section of the park is completely beneath clouds. This cute …
Read More…got my caffeine fix at the Coffee and Tea Festival

Most people I’ve met here moan that they don’t have a coffee IV hooked up at all times. And I get it – waking up at 5.45am every day and then staying up late to make the most of the city can take its toll. Thankfully, once a year, the city invites New Yorkers to …
Read More…took a day trip to Beacon

I had nothing on the agenda today so I decided to head out of the city for a quick trip – somewhere with clean air and fewer people. There are plenty of places upstate – from castles to stately homes – but after a bit of googling, I learned that most tourist-friendly places only open …
Read More…welcomed spring at Prospect Park

I don’t want to jinx it, but I think spring is finally coming. We’ve had a horrendous winter of endless snow days, icy puddles and bone-chilling winds. But this week, those big mounds of snow that have built up on sidewalks for the past three months finally appeared to be melting. So Ryan and I …
Read More…was tricked by St Ann’s Church

When I’m walking north, I always do my best to avoid the madness of Union Square. One recent route took me along 12th Street between 3rd and 4th avenues, where I spotted this gorgeous church – St Ann’s – snug against the other buildings. But something wasn’t quite right. The buildings behind looked almost too …
Read More…visited Japan (in Grand Central Station)

I’ve never been to Japan, so today I tried to cheat by visiting Grand Central Station, where ‘Japan Week’ is underway. But somehow I left with even less knowledge than I went with. Ryan met me at Grand Central – about three minutes too late to save me from being hit on by a boy …
Read More…was dazzled by Kinky Boots

In a small corner of Northampton in the 1990s, there was a generations-old men’s shoe factory struggling to stay on its feet. One day, with its closing imminent, owner Steve Pateman received a phone call from a transgender shop owner he’d never met before. ‘You should be manufacturing women’s shoes built for men,’ Sue Sheppard …
Read More…visited a Venetian Palace (in the West Village)

Despite the chill that’s gripped New York, I was itching for a walk after work and decided to head to the West Village – an area of Manhattan I don’t know too well. Blowing into my hands, I meandered through the diagonal streets, admiring the typically New York apartment blocks with fire escapes snaking up their sides. But …
Read More…took a walking tour in the LES

This weekend, I got a treat – Heather arrived in New York City! Heather and I have known each other since we were six – and I think we’re still pretty much the same today: an unchanged sense of humor, an unparalleled ability to chat rubbish to anyone who’ll listen and penchant for kiss chase. Today …
Read More…saw Paul, John, Ringo and George at the Morrison Hotel Gallery

There was something amiss when I left work tonight… It was still light. Feeling there were hours ahead of me before I needed to be anywhere, I decided to check out a gallery a few blocks from the office that I’d seen mentioned by the MurphGuide: the Morrison Hotel Gallery. I’d read that it was hosting …
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