This warm weather means I’ve finally made the switch to iced coffee. Yesss. Since last summer, I’ve moved offices to Astor Place, giving me the chance to discover a few new places. So I thought I’d share a few of my top spots with you – near Astor Place and beyond – and ask for your tips on where I should …
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…took a roadtrip south

Every year I’m in New York, I swear it gets colder. This morning, it snowed for the third time this week and it’s brutal. So will you allow me to reminisce about a warmer time? Last week, Ryan and I jumped in the car and headed south. On New Year’s Eve, our friends Gina and …
Read More…had afternoon tea at the Russian Tea Room

Whenever I go back to England, I somehow always manage to squeeze in an afternoon tea – even if I’m just back for a weekend. And while England would seem the place to do it, there is a little gem of a location here in New York to satisfy my cravings too – although it’s definitely not …
Read More…visited Minnewaska State Park in time to see the leaves

The clocks have changed, the mercury has plunged and I’m back on the hot coffees. I think we’re nearing winter. Thankfully when I went upstate last weekend (yes, another escape from the city), the leaves were still holding on. I concluded that, without a doubt, my favorite season in New York is autumn – I’m …
Read MoreLydia’s List: Here’s how to get in the Halloween spirit in NYC

Happy Halloween! The UK doesn’t do Halloween the same way Americans do – I think I dressed in a black t-shirt and bobbed for apples once as a child – so every year I’m still amazed by just how much people over here get into it. Right now, for example, my whole street in Brooklyn is …
Read More…discovered Sahadi’s

Now that I finally live in an apartment bigger than a shoe box (thank you, Brooklyn), I’ve weaned myself off Seamless and have re-discovered the stove. In habits that would have seemed absurd a few months ago, Ryan and I now pack our lunches and spend an hour cooking every night. I love it. When we moved to Brooklyn, …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

‘New York hasn’t had a summer this year,’ seems to be a pretty common refrain right now. And I would agree for the most part – I swear previous years have been far, far sweatier. But I’ve still been trying to make the most of the outdoors before we’ll be pulling on our snowboots and …
Read More…took a break in the Elizabeth Street Garden

Three years living here and the sirens, smells and cat calls are getting to me. New York, you’re a loud, sweaty sprawl – but I still love you, so what are we to do? People deal with the imposition of the city in their own way – from Soul Cycle classes to unwinding over a glass of wine – …
Read More…slurped a milkshake at Brooklyn’s soda fountain

I’ve loved living in the East Village – the coffee! the food! the transport! the very suspicious smells! – but I’ve decided to make the move to Brooklyn with Ryan. We both love Carroll Gardens (just look at how leafy it is!) so we’re hoping to nab a place there. But I’ve only been semi honest with Ryan about my …
Read MoreLydia’s List :: Ideas for the weekend

My weekend will involve flat hunting (I’m making the move to Brooklyn!), first birthday parties, all-white dinners and a trip to Pennsylvania for some scuba diving. Let’s hope the weekend is long enough to fit it all in, eh? If you don’t fancy jumping into a lake wearing a thick neoprene suit, here are some other suggestions for stuff that’s …
Read MoreLydia’s List :: My favorite things to do in summer in NYC

Finally! The weekends are getting hotter. I may not be looking forward to the whiff of the East Village in the summer, but I’m so glad to be enjoying the city’s glorious outdoor activities again. If you’re looking for things to do, here are my suggestions:1 :: Luna Park :: You can be a big kid again at this Coney Island …
Read MoreLydia’s List :: Where to get the best ice cream in NYC

The weather’s been getting warm and sticky, which only means one thing as far as I’m concerned: ice cream for every meal. Here’s my take on the best sweet frozen treats the city has to offer: 1 :: Ample Hills Creamery :: This friendly Prospect Heights store scoops up the richest flavors perfect for an afternoon treat. …
Read More…celebrated Macaron Day

Have you ever tried to make a macaron? Unfortunately, I’ve inherited absolutely zero baking skills from my pastry chef mother and the only time I tried to make them, they came out flat, burnt and not at all pretty. Which is why I leave the baking up to the professionals (and Mummy Warren). The tasting …
Read More…went scuba diving

A few months ago, Ryan and I spotted a Gilt City deal for an introductory scuba diving class. A little bit random perhaps… but why not? After months of canceled classes and wrangling with the company, we finally managed to use the deal tonight. And while there was even more waiting once we got there, …
Read More…fronted a rock band
When I was 11, my sister Charlotte, our friend Lara and I started a pretty great band. While it didn’t have a name, it did have an interesting sound: Charlotte on the drums, me on the keys and Lara on the violin. We penned a surprisingly dark song for our tender years and set our …
Read More…said ‘cheers!’ to a year of daily new experiences

Guys, I’ve done it! Since January 2013, I have done a new thing every single day here in New York City (okay, I also went on a fair few trips out of New York – but I did new things there too!). The thought has made me a bit emotional to be honest. Lots of …
Read More…dodged the scaffolding at St Patrick’s Cathedral

When I got to St Patrick’s Cathedral – the highlight of Fifth Avenue’s skyline – tonight, I was disappointed to see the place was filled with scaffolding. Ugh. How was I supposed to see this famous 19th century church in all its glory? But instead of whining, I realized that this was an entirely new …
Read More…visited President Teddy Roosevelt’s house

Today I headed out to Long Island for an early Thanksgiving celebration with Ryan and, before settling down to mashed potatoes and delicious gingerbread cookies, we decided to stop off at one of its many historical sites. Battling the drizzle, we stepped out at President Teddy Roosevelt’s former home at Sagamore Hill in Oyster Bay. …
Read More…saw the Frick Collection

Saturday = Tourist Day. Today I went to the Frick Collection, an art museum on the east side of Central Park and the sort of place that features on tourist ‘to do’ lists. But while it’s a famous spot, I had zero idea what would be inside. As it turns out, it’s filled with recognizable paintings by the European masters, …
Read More…took Ryan Gosling on the Staten Island Ferry

Today I went on a long-overdue date with Ryan. No, not that one. Ryan Gosling, of course. New York is crammed with celebrities – I’ve spotted Meg Ryan drinking a cuppa, Jennifer Aniston browsing labels and Kelly Ripa heading home after the gym – so occasionally you’re going to be introduced to a recognizable face. …
Read More…climbed to the top of the world’s largest cathedral

When I entered the Cathedral Church of St John the Divine on West 112th Street this afternoon, I immediately welled up. The inside of this grand building, which claims to be the world’s largest cathedral, is breathtakingly beautiful. As soon as I walked through its two-tonne doors, I knew it was going to be one of …
Read More…visited the waterfall at Greenacre Park

I wore tights for the first time this week and switched to hot coffees. Autumn appears to be winning. This means I need to cram in as many outdoor new experiences, activities and visits as I can – sharpish. So tonight I took advantage of New York’s great outdoors – by visiting a city center waterfall. After work I …
Read More…ate spaghetti ice cream

A few days ago, I spotted something bouncing around on Twitter: Spaghetti ice cream. Yes, I double took too. What exactly did it mean? Spaghetti with a dollop of ice cream? Ice cream flavored like spaghetti? In fact, it’s something far more delicious: Ice cream piped to look just like your favourite Italian dish. Ryan …
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