All Georgia has been talking about for weeks now is Christmas. You might remember how last year I took her to a Christmas party for dogs in Prospect Park (ingeniously called ‘Bark! The Herald Angels Sing’), but it was a bit cold and wet, and we had to queue for ages to meet Santa. Thankfully …
Read MoreTag / Brooklyn
The best festive activities in NYC

I love Christmas. The whiff of Christmas tree stands, the promise of so many cookies, Love Actually on repeat. It can never come too soon in my opinion. So what should you be looking out for this year? Here are my tried and tested favorites from years past: 1 :: The Botanical Garden’s Holiday Train Show, where every …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

A late Sunday night edition of ‘Things I’ve loved about New York this week’! 1 :: Of course, there was… Thanksgiving! Yes, I was in the office but thankfully I made it to Ryan’s brother’s house without missing a single bite of deliciousness. You Americans don’t do roast dinners like us Brits (see ya Rosemary roast …
Read More…dosey doed at a barn dance

Some parts of this country remain completely alien to me. The way you write the date? Weird. American supermarkets? I’ll never understand them. That plastic neon yellow stuff you put on burgers and claim is ‘cheese’? No thanks. So every now and then it’s nice to get a little taste of home. Enter… the barn dance. …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

Oops, I’ve neglected these lists for a while, but they’re back! Here are just some of the small but lovely things that I’ve appreciated in the city this week. 1. The final glimpses of creative pumpkins. I spotted this one in Brooklyn Heights. 2:: The best new lunch spot I have found in a long …
Read More…visited Minnewaska State Park in time to see the leaves

The clocks have changed, the mercury has plunged and I’m back on the hot coffees. I think we’re nearing winter. Thankfully when I went upstate last weekend (yes, another escape from the city), the leaves were still holding on. I concluded that, without a doubt, my favorite season in New York is autumn – I’m …
Read MoreLydia’s List: Here’s how to get in the Halloween spirit in NYC

Happy Halloween! The UK doesn’t do Halloween the same way Americans do – I think I dressed in a black t-shirt and bobbed for apples once as a child – so every year I’m still amazed by just how much people over here get into it. Right now, for example, my whole street in Brooklyn is …
Read More…went to Tom Fruin’s house

This waterfront home – with unobstructed views of the Manhattan skyline and some very colorful decor – is the hottest property in NYC right now. You can’t actually live there (and not just because you can’t afford it), but you can visit – and you really, really should. The plexiglas house, ‘Kolonihavehus’, is the creation of Brooklyn-based …
Read More…rode the Thunderbolt

All summer we’ve been complaining that it’s not hot enough. I even heard the dreaded ‘polar vortex’ mentioned a couple of months ago. But forget all that because the weather right now is perfect: crisp, sunny and dry. For one final summer adventure, Ryan, Charlotte and I decided to be big kids at the place big kids …
Read More…visited Winston Churchill’s mum’s house

Not too far from my apartment is a site that has a place in British history. If you wander along Henry Street in Cobble Hill and stop at number 426, you’ll be looking at the birthplace of Jennie Jerome. While her name might not ring any bells, you might know her son: Winston Churchill. If you …
Read More…petted animals at the Long Island Fair

An added bonus of going out with Ryan is that I’ve been able to visit Long Island – where he grew up – many, many times. When you can tear me away from our new(ish) neighborhood, going out there is one of my favorite weekend things to do. And this weekend? There was the countryside! animals! …
Read More…cheered for the jousting at the Renaissance Faire

I’ve always said that some time apart from New York can do wonders for my relationship with her; I come back sane again. But this weekend, when I ventured out of the city, I’m not sure I came back all that okay in the head. Welcome to the Renaissance Faire. This annual spectacle is held at …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

You know what? I’m really glad I’ve been doing these round-ups. Every Friday – the day I reflect on the things I’ve loved about that week – I initially wonder what on earth I’m going to be writing about. Especially because I’m no longer doing a new thing every day (and I still feel guilty about it…). …
Read More…discovered Sahadi’s

Now that I finally live in an apartment bigger than a shoe box (thank you, Brooklyn), I’ve weaned myself off Seamless and have re-discovered the stove. In habits that would have seemed absurd a few months ago, Ryan and I now pack our lunches and spend an hour cooking every night. I love it. When we moved to Brooklyn, …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

‘New York hasn’t had a summer this year,’ seems to be a pretty common refrain right now. And I would agree for the most part – I swear previous years have been far, far sweatier. But I’ve still been trying to make the most of the outdoors before we’ll be pulling on our snowboots and …
Read More…tested Hay Rosie’s ice cream

If I could eat ice cream for every meal, I would. So when I heard that Hay Rosie makes savory flavors, I wondered if this might be the lunch or dinner option I was looking for. The tiny Brooklyn shop has dished out some interesting options in the past few months: feta and goat cheese with tomato caramel swirl; spicy Sriracha Popcorn; …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

From new street art to The Jackson 5 taking over my local subway station, here are some things that have made me smile this week. Seeing The Flower Guy‘s latest work (and recognizing it). Before moving to New York, I knew very little about street art, but in the past few years I’ve taken some cracking tours …
Read More10 things I learned from the Red Hook Beekeeper

I try not to be too dramatic when a bee buzzes near my face, but the truth of the matter is that the last time I was stung, my forehead swelled up so much I couldn’t see for a week. The only relief was that I was up a mountain in Spain so I didn’t have …
Read More…worked on the Red Hook Community Farm

Our new garden has proved to be a handy spot for grilling corn and drinking cold beers during these sticky summer evenings. But in terms of being used for actual gardening, it’s not quite up to scratch yet. Thankfully, we’re not far from the Red Hook Community Farm, a surprisingly large operation that lives on top of …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

I have basically used my staycation this week to settle in to my new neighborhood – and there’s a lot to love. I had been really looking forward to moving here, but Ryan and I both agree it’s even better than we’d imagined. I don’t think I can fully describe how glad I am to be living …
Read More…watched Shakespeare in Carroll Park

Outdoor theater is one of my favorite things about New York in the summer. World-class acting in one of the city’s gorgeous green spaces… for free?! Why, yes please. Last week I was leaving the subway at Carroll Street when I heard some hollers nearby and realized that Carroll Park, which is usually home to lots of …
Read MoreThe best places to go near Carroll Gardens (according to a local)

Apart from the rows of trees, brownstones and ice cream shops, one of the best things about moving to Carroll Gardens is that we actually know people who live here. It means we can grab coffee with friends without too much notice – a novel idea in New York. Among those friends are J and Marie, two …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

I have been the worst blogger this week, but I’ll be back on form next week! Still, the busy past few days have meant lots of happy New York moments. 1 :: having an hour to kill on 40th street and just knowing that Bryant Park would have some way of entertaining me… and I promptly found myself …
Read MoreThings I’ve loved about New York this week

Walking to the subway this morning, I thought about how last year I took the time to appreciate New York every single day because of my daily new activities. I still think, ‘Woah I’m in New York!’ whenever I see the glimmering skyline of the city – but I’m definitely forgetting to appreciate things as much as I …
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